
Example integration of Corbado's passkey-first web component with Supabase as backend provider

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Complete integration sample for the Corbado web component in Node.js with existing users in Supabase

This is a sample implementation of frontend and backend where the Corbado web component is integrated. The database provider is Supabase, an open-source Firebase alternative which already contains several password-based users. These users are integrated using Corbado webhooks while new users are saved without a password.

Note: In this tutorial a customer system is created with some pre-existing password-based users. Have a look at our docs to see the integration if you don't have any users yet.

1. File structure

├── app.js
├── .env
├── src
|   ├── controllers
|   |   ├── authController.js           # renders views and uses Corbado SDK for sessions
|   |   └── corbadoWebhookController.js # Takes all requests belonging to the Corbado webhook logic
|   ├── routes
|   |   ├── authRoutes.js               # All routes belonging to certain views
|   |   └── corbadoWebhookRoutes.js     # All routes belonging to the Corbado webhook
|   ├── services
|   |   └── userService.js              # Communicates with Supabase
|   ├── views/pages
|   |   ├── login.ejs                   # Login page with the webcomponent
|   |   └── profile.ejs                 # Profile page showing user info

2. Setup

2.1. Configure Corbado project

Please follow the steps on our Getting started page to create and configure a project in the Corbado developer panel. Use http://localhost:19915 as origin.

Next, follow steps 4-6 on our Web component guide and set the Application URL to http://localhost:19915/login, the Redirect URL to http://localhost:19915/profile and the Relying Party ID to localhost.

Lastly, configure the webhooks as seen in the image: webhooks

2.2. Create Supabase project

Head over to Supabase to create a project using the Supabase web interface.

Next, go to the SQL Editor and execute the following query:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_user_id_by_email(email TEXT)
SECURITY definer
AS $$
  RETURN QUERY SELECT au.id FROM auth.users au WHERE au.email = $1;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

If everything has worked fine, you should see the following success message

Success. No rows returned

Feel free to create some password-based users in the Authentication > Users page. Then, click on the button "Add user" in the top right. Remember to set autoconfirm to true!

2.3. Configure environment variables

We now need to configure the following variables inside .env:

Project ID as well as API secret shall be used from step 2.1. The CLI secret is located here. Your Supabase credentials can be found at Project Settings > API inside the Supabase dashboard.




2.4. Start Docker containers

Note: Before continuing, please ensure you have Docker installed and accessible from your shell.

Use the following command to start the system:

docker compose up

Note: Please wait until all containers are ready. This can take some time.

3. Usage

After step 2.4. your local server should be fully working.

If you now visit http://localhost:19915, you should be forwarded to the /login page.

When authenticated you will be forwarded to the /profile page.