
Playbook and role to deploy VMware virtual machine from templates using Ansible

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Playbook and role to deploy VMware virtual machine from templates using Ansible


You can add this role by simple a simple git clone

git clone https://github.com/zwindler/ansible-deploy-vmware-guest
cp -rp ansible-deploy-vmware-guest/deploy_vmware_guest.yml ansible-deploy-vmware-guest/roles /etc/ansible


You should create a group_var file in order to set the variables that don't usually change in order to simplify playbook file, such as

  • vsphere_host, the address/hostname of the vcenter server
  • vsphere_user, a username with enough vSphere privileges to create VMs from templates
  • vsphere_datacenter, the vSphere datacenter name
  • vsphere_folder, the folder where to drop VM ("/TO_DEPLOY" for ex.)
  • guest_network, guest_netmask, guest_gateway, guest_dns_server, guest_domain_name, the usual network informations for your VMs
  • guest_id depending on the OS you want to deploy
  • guest_memory and guest_vcpu for your VM sizing
  • guest_template, the template name to copy the VM from
  • vsphere_host, vsphere_user (usualy I use a group_var/mygroup/main.yml file, group being declared in hosts_to_deploy inventory file)

Then you should create a hosts_to_deploy file that will be a temporary inventory file to store the hostname to deploy, and add them inside this group.

Examples of theses files can be found inside this repository, under group_vars/example_group.yml and hosts_to_deploy.


Don't forget the vmware_guest variables that already are playbook variables such as

  • notes, vsphere_password, esxi_host (prompted by playbook)
  • creationdate (automatically created)
  • vsphere_datastore, guest_custom_ip (usualy I put these as variables of the host in a hosts_to_deploy file)