
Python examples for Duquesne Phys475 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics

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Python examples for Duquesne Phys475 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Ted Corcovilos, (c) 2021

Currently this repository is in disarray. A few highlights:

  • Lecture14-combined.ipynb compares several approximation methods applied to 1D harmonic oscillator.
  • hydrogen.ipynb plotting some hydrogen wavefunctions
  • HydrogenSympy.ipynb calculating some integrals of the hydrogen wavefunctions.
  • WeakZeeman.ipynb calculates the Zeeman (magnetic field) effect in hydrogen-like atoms using perturbation theory.
  • TDSE/ demonstrates numerical solutions to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation using the half-step method.

Most of the other files are just fragments that I used to generate figures for my lecture notes, or other quick calculations.

All code is distributed as-is, with no claim to correctness or usefulness.