
tools for musicbrainz

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Author: Joseph Irwin

Some tools for using the MusicBrainz web API for archiving CDs. (Article on archiving music CDs forthcoming.)

mb-search: Python script for searching using the MusicBrainz API

mb-get-release-xml: Bash script for retrieving XML metadata for a release from MusicBrainz

encode-tracks: Python script for turning the MusicBrainz XML metadata into commands for encoding tracks from a FLAC image into Ogg files tagged with MusicBrainz recording ids


search for MusicBrainz releases by title

mb-search -r '<title>'

This will show you a crappy ASCII table with release artist, title, id, and a ready-made folder name quoted for you.

get metadata XML

mb-get-release-xml <release-id> >metadata.xml

encode tracks from a FLAC file (named 'disc1.flac')

mkdir tracks
encode-tracks <metadata.xml | parallel



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