
Wordpress plugin for search Open Educational Resources using FI-ADMIN API

Primary LanguagePHP

Open Educational Resource plugin for WordPress


This plugin creates a search interface for the Virtual Health Library Open Educational Resource information source.


Wordpress 4.x


  1. Download the OER plugin for Wordpress;
  2. Unzip the plugin below the wp-content/plugins folder of your Wordpress instance and rename it to oer;
  3. Activate the LeisRef plugin through the administration panel of WordPress (dashboard).

For further information on installing plugins please see the Manual Plugin Installation from Wordpress codex site.


Go to Settings in the administration panel (dashboard) and click on the newly created Open Educational Resources item.

  • Plugin page is mandatory and is set to oer by default. It defines the URL of the search interface page;
  • Filter query is optional and defines the strategy (a term or expression) to act as a filter for record displaying.
  • AddThis profile ID is optional and is provided to allow the integration with sharing tools services AddThis. Notice this requires previous registration within the sharing tools service;
  • Google Analytics code is optional and allows the integration of website analytics services provided by Google. Notice this requires previous registration in Google.