This component provides a Docker-based NiFi container and processing templates as part of the Open Data Platform.
To get started either pull the online container or build a container locally.
To pull the docker container:
docker pull boozallen/odp-data-nifi:0.1.0
To create the docker container:
docker build -t odp-data-nifi .
To run the container with shared host mounted directories to allow updating of scripts and in/out data directories:
docker run -d --name odp-nifi -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -v /tmp/in:/opt/data/in -v /tmp/out:/opt/data/out -v scripts:/opt/data/scripts odp-data-nifi
This allows you to access NIFI: http://localhost:8080/nifi
To connect to the odp-nifi container in order to look at logging or other helpful debugging information:
docker exec -it odp-nifi bash
Docker Compose allows you to bring up multiple containers associated with the project. You may have to pull/build the docker images to your local environment the first time this is run. Make sure your environment has enough memory to have multiple contianers running. This was tested with a VM and 12 MB allocated.
Bring the containers up initially in detached mode: docker-compose up -d
Stop all containers: docker-compose stop
Start containers: docker-compose start
Remove container instance files: docker-compose rm -f