Software to compute synthetic seismograms for an incidence P or SV wave to 1-D layered structure.
(c) Takeshi Akuhara 2020
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
cd src
It requires FFTW and SAC libraries on your machine. The paths for these libraries must be specified in src/Makefile
If the SAC commands are already available, sac-config --cflags --libs sacio
will display the paths to the SAC library.
bin/syn_seis < sample/
- Don't forget to put "<".
- After this command, you will get output files
The program reads parameters and a velocity model from the standard input. The formats are:
- Line 1: [output file index]
- Line 2: [number of elements in output time series] [sampling interval (s)] [Time shift (s)]
- Line 3: [number of layers] [ray parameter (s/km)] [phase type: 1 for P; -1 for S]
- Lines 4...: [Vp (km/s)] [Vs (km/s)] [density (g/cm^3)] [thickness (km)]
- For ocean setting, set Vs < 0 for the topmost layer. In this case, the receiver is assumed to be placed on the seafloor (i.e., layer 1-2 boundary).
- Thickness of the bottom layer is just ignored.
- Output is SAC format. t=0 corresponds to the timing when incidence wave passes through the deepest layer interface (i.e., top of the half-space).