
Very simple package for storing settings for your Laravel project in the database.


Install the package with composer:

composer require core45/system-settings-db

Publish the package files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Core45\SystemSettingsDb\SystemSettingsDbServiceProvider"

Migrate the database:

php artisan migrate


After migrating the new table system_settings will be created in the database. The package doesn't provide a UI for managing the settings. You have to add/modify/delete the records on your own. The important columns are:

  • key: the key of the setting
  • value: the value of the setting

The other columns are for your convenience. You can also add your own columns to the table if you like.

Setting a value

In the database you can set a value for a key. The key is a string and the value can be a string, integer or boolean.

To access the value of a key you can use the config() helper function.


So for example in your blade template you can use your contact email you previously stored in the settings table:

My email is: <a href="mailto:{{ config('') }}">{{ config('') }}</a>


The package uses the Laravel cache so if you'd like to see the changes immediately clean the Laravel cache. Default TTL of the cache is 60 seconds. You can change this setting in the config file.
