
Compile SASS Faster ! C6 is a SASS-compatible compiler

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Hate waiting for SASS compiling your stylesheets with Compass over 10 seconds everytime? C6 helps you write style sheets with efficiency.

C6 is a SASS 3.2 compatible implementation written in Go. But wait! this is not only to implement SASS, but also to create a new language for better consistency, syntax and performance. And yes, this means we're free to accept new language feature requests.

Build Status Coverage Status GoDoc

wercker status


go get github.com/c9s/c6/cmd/c6

Working in progress

  • Lexing

    • @import
    • simple selector.
      • type selector.
      • child selector.
      • attribute selector.
      • adjacent selector.
      • descendant selector.
      • class selector.
      • ID selector.
    • Ruleset
    • Sub-ruleset
    • Interpolation
    • Property name
    • Property value list
    • Nested properties.
    • Comma-separated list
    • Space-separated list
    • @if , @else , @else if
    • @for, from, through statement
    • @while
    • @mixin
    • @mixin with arguments
    • @include
    • Flags: !default, !important, !optional, !global
    • Hex color
    • Functions
    • Vendor prefix properties
    • MS filter. progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft....
    • Variable names
    • Variable assignment
    • Time unit support. s second, ms ... etc
    • Angle unit support.
    • Resolution unit support.
    • Unicode Range support: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/unicode-range
    • Media Query
  • Built-in Functions

    • .... to be listed
  • Parser

    • Parse @import
    • Parse Expr
    • Parse Space-Sep List
    • Parse Comma-Sep List
    • Parse Map (tests required)
    • Parse Selector
    • Parse Selector with interpolation
    • Parse RuleSet
    • Parse DeclBlock
    • Parse Variable Assignment Stmt
    • Parse PropertyName
    • Parse PropertyName with interpolation
    • Parse PropertyValue
    • Parse PropertyValue with interpolation
    • Parse conditions
    • Parse @media statement
    • Parse Nested RuleSet
    • Parse Nested Properties
    • Parse options: !default, !global, !optional
    • Parse CSS Hack for different browser (support more syntax sugar for this)
    • Parse @font-face block
    • Parse @if statement
    • Parse @for statement
    • Parse @while statement
    • Parse @mixin statement
    • Parse @include statement
    • Parse @function statement
    • Parse @return statement
    • Parse @extend statement
    • Parse keyword arguments for @function
    • Parse @switch statement
    • Parse @case statement
    • Parse @use statement
  • Building AST

    • RuleSet
    • DeclBlock
    • PropertyName
    • PropertyValue
    • Comma-Separated List
    • Space-Separated List
    • Basic Exprs
    • FunctionCall
    • Expr with interpolation
    • Variable statements
    • Built-in color keyword table
    • Hex Color computation
    • Number operation: add, sub, mul, div
    • Length operation: number operation for px, pt, em, rem, cm ...etc
    • Expr evaluation
    • Boolean expression evaluation
    • Media Query conditions
    • @if If Condition
    • @else if If Else If
    • @else else condition
    • @while statement node
    • @function statement node
    • @mixin statement node
    • @include statement node
    • @return statement node
    • @each statement node
  • Runtime

    • HSL Color computation
    • Function Call Invoke mech
    • Mixin Include
    • Import
  • SASS Built-in Functions

    • RGB functions
      • rgb($red, $green, $blue)
      • rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
      • red($color)
      • green($color)
      • blue($color)
      • mix($color1, $color2, [$weight])
    • HSL Functions
      • hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)
      • hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)
      • hue($color)
      • saturation($color)
      • lightness($color)
      • adjust-hue($color, $degrees)
      • lighten($color, $amount)
      • darken($color, $amount)
      • saturate($color, $amount)
      • desaturate($color, $amount)
      • grayscale($color)
      • complement($color)
      • invert($color)
    • Opacity Functions
      • alpha($color) / opacity($color)
      • rgba($color, $alpha)
      • opacify($color, $amount) / fade-in($color, $amount)
      • transparentize($color, $amount) / fade-out($color, $amount)
    • Other Color Functions
      • adjust-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])
      • scale-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])
      • change-color($color, [$red], [$green], [$blue], [$hue], [$saturation], [$lightness], [$alpha])
      • ie-hex-str($color)
    • String Functions
      • unquote($string)
      • quote($string)
      • str-length($string)
      • str-insert($string, $insert, $index)
      • str-index($string, $substring)
      • str-slice($string, $start-at, [$end-at])
      • to-upper-case($string)
      • to-lower-case($string)
    • Number Functions
      • percentage($number)
      • round($number)
      • ceil($number)
      • floor($number)
      • abs($number)
      • min($numbers…)
      • max($numbers…)
      • random([$limit])
    • List Functions
      • length($list)
      • nth($list, $n)
      • set-nth($list, $n, $value)
      • join($list1, $list2, [$separator])
      • append($list1, $val, [$separator])
      • zip($lists…)
      • index($list, $value)
      • list-separator(#list)
    • Map Functions
      • map-get($map, $key)
      • map-merge($map1, $map2)
      • map-remove($map, $keys…)
      • map-keys($map)
      • map-values($map)
      • map-has-key($map, $key)
      • keywords($args)
    • Selector Functions
      • .... to be expanded ...
  • CodeGen

    • CompactCompiler
      • CompileCssImportStmt: @import url(...);
      • CompileRuleSet
      • CompileSelectors
        • CoimpileParentSelector
      • CompileSubRuleSet
      • CompileCommentBlock
      • CompileDeclBlock
      • CompileMediaQuery: @media
      • CompileSupportrQuery: @support
      • CompileFontFace: @support
      • CompileForStmt
      • CompileIfStmt
        • CompileElseIfStmt
      • CompileWhileStmt
      • CompileEachStmt
      • ... list more ast nodes here ...
  • Syntax

    • built-in @import-once


The original design of SASS contains a lot of grammar ambiguity.

for example, as SASS uses interpolation:

#{$name}:before {


Since nested properties are allowed, in the above code, we don't know if it's a selector or a property namespace if we don't know the $name variable.

Where before might be a property value or a part of the selector.


To handle this kind of interpolation, we define a type of token named template:

#{$name}:before a {


In the above code, #{$name}:before a is treated as T_SELECTOR_TEMPLATE token, which type will be resolved at the runtime.

Self Benchmarking



Why do you want to implement another SASS compiler?

The original SASS is written in Ruby and it's really slow, we take 11 seconds to compile the stylesheets of our application, libsass is fast but it does not catch up the ruby sass implementation , and you can't compile them with Compass. Since Go is simple, easy & fast, thus we implement SASS in Go to move faster.

Further, we want to design a new language (ECSS temporarily named) that is compatible with SASS 3.4 or even SASS 4.0 with more powerful features.


SASS Reference http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html

A feature check list from libsass:


SASS/CSS Frameworks, libraries:



Please open up an issue on GitHub before you put a lot efforts on pull request.

The code submitting to PR must be filtered with gofmt



MPL License https://www.mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

(MPL is like LGPL but with static/dynamic linking exception, which allows you to either dynamic/static link this library without permissions)

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