
Push Swap is sorting algorithm project within the 42's paris school. the goal is to sort integers contained in a LIFO stack using only one more LIFO a stack and a limited set of operation :

  • sa swap first two elements of stack A
  • sb swap first two elements of stack B
  • ss sa and sb at the same time
  • pa pops the first elememt on B and puts it on top of A
  • pb pops the first elememt on A and puts it on top of B
  • ra rotates stuck A up by one
  • rb rotates stuck B up by one
  • rr rotates both A and B up by one
  • rra rotates stuck A down by one
  • rrb rotates stuck B down by one
  • rrr rotates both A and B down by one

My solution :


  • 3 Numbers Average: 1 Max: 2 Min: 0
  • 5 numbers Average: 8 Max: 10 Min: 7
  • 10 numbers Average: 31 Max: 34 Min: 28
  • 100 numbers Average: 888 Max: 915 Min: 853
  • 500 numbers Average: 6794 Max: 6833 Min: 6731

efficiency graph
