
disable s.m.a.r.t on disk without hooking anything.

Primary LanguageC++


what is s.m.a.r.t technology?

the technological definition:

SMART is a system that monitors the internal information of your drive. Its clever name is actually an acronym for Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology. SMART, also written as S.M.A.R.T., is a technology found inside HDDs and SSDs. It is independent of your operating system, BIOS, or other software.

the "actual" definition:

used by different 3rd-party software to determine your hardware identifier serials, to then fingerprint your PC entirely. mainly used by anti-cheat technologies.

how does this work?

this project is an example to manipulate physical memory inside the context of another module, to interfere with their functions without messing with any 3rd-party-software (AC's, AV's ,etc..)'s stackwalking routines

what does the driver do?

simply exploits an important check determined to inform the driver itself off s.m.a.r.t presence. (also, yes, while writing this project I have figured the mem block scan for their device control works also perfectly to scan the disassembled addresses. maybe +11 or +41 are holders for some other structure which those addresses are based off? or a pure stack/aslr/offsetting coincidence? not sure.)

   if ( a5 )
      if ( (unsigned int)(a3 - 1) <= 2 || a3 == 5 )
        v10 = DiskEnableDisableFailurePrediction(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 64), 1);
        v6 = v10;
        if ( WPP_GLOBAL_Control != &WPP_GLOBAL_Control
          && (*((_DWORD *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 11) & 0x40) != 0
          && *((_BYTE *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 41) >= 4u )
          WPP_SF_qqL(*((_QWORD *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 3), 33LL, v11, a1, v8, v10);
      else if ( WPP_GLOBAL_Control != &WPP_GLOBAL_Control
             && (*((_DWORD *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 11) & 0x40) != 0
             && *((_BYTE *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 41) >= 4u )
        WPP_SF_qqds(*((_QWORD *)WPP_GLOBAL_Control + 3), 34, a3, a1, a2, a3, (__int64)"Enabled");