Deoplete is the abbreviation of "dark powered neo-completion". It provides an asynchronous keyword completion system in the current buffer. To view the current options, please consult the documentation.
Note: deoplete requires Neovim(latest is recommended) with Python3 and timers enabled. See requirements if you aren't sure whether you have this.
- Extract the files and put them in your Neovim directory
). - Execute the
and restart Neovim. - Write
call deoplete#enable()
orlet g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
in yourinit.vim
For vim-plug
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
For dein.vim
call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')
deoplete requires Neovim with if_python3.
If :echo has("python3")
returns 1
, then you're done; otherwise, see below.
You can enable Python3 interface with pip:
pip3 install neovim
You need update neovim-python module.
pip3 install --upgrade neovim
If you want to read the Neovim-python/python3 interface install documentation,
you should read :help provider-python
and the Wiki.
If Deoplete was installed prior to Python support being added to Neovim,
should be executed manually in order to enable
Deoplete for JavaScript
Python completion using deoplete-jedi
C++ completion using clang_complete
Java completion using vim-javacomplete2
Vim Script completion using neco-vim
" Use deoplete.
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1