
Allin1 Packstack Kilo on CentOS 7

Primary LanguageShell


Repo for openstack lab


  • Vagrant >= 1.7.0
  • VirtualBox >= 4.3.20
  • Vagrant Plugin : reload
  • Vagrant Plugin : sahara
  • Not using the following networks:,


Vagrant Plugins
 $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
 $ vagrant plugin install sahara

This lab requires two virtual boxes, a vbox acting as a router and the openstack allinone server.

The Vagrant Sahara plugin provides the ability to take a snapshot of machine, allowing you to restore it, for a quick return to a known state.

Router Node (new router box that should work on windows)
 $ git clone https://github.com/corefile/router.git router
 $ cd router
 $ vagrant up
Kilo OpenStack Node
 $ git clone https://github.com/corefile/allin1-kilo allin1-kilo
 $ cd allin1-kilo
 $ vagrant up

This is a good time to take a snapshot of your OpenStack Node so you can return to a known working state

 $ vagrant sandbox on

If you mess something up and want to get back to the original box state just run "vagrant sandbox rollback"

Run Scripts to setup Tenant -- user1, Tenant Networking, and Tenant instances
 $ vagrant ssh
 $ sudo su -
 # ./runme1_root.sh
 # exit 
 Should be the vagrant user now
 $ cd ~/ 
 $ cp /vagrant/runme2_vagrant.sh .
 $ cp /vagrant/keystonerc_user1 .
 $ ./runme2_vagrant.sh

NOTE: when you run the script(runme2_vagrant.sh) and it gets to the section that creates the instances, the progress percentage will be at 0% for a bit(depending on laptop horsepower), don't panic it will eventually finish.

At this point you should have the following topology:

Example topology

You can access the Horizon dashboard (slow the first time you access it) at:

login: user1

pass: user1

If you are satisfied that your openstack box is configured properly, you can update your snapshot to this point

 $ vagrant sandbox commit