
Custom bootstrap installation and configuration for Mac. Kind of a "dotfiles repo" too.

Primary LanguageShell


Custom bootstrap installation and configuration for Mac. Kind of a "dotfiles repo" too.

Introduction ============

In order to have easier reinstalls of my Mac*, I did some scripts somewhere in between of Thoughtbot's Laptop and any other dotfiles repo at Github. Briefly, the main scripts are organized as follows:

  • bootstrap.sh: Script that will command all the process.
  • sw/*.sh: Scripts that will install all the software I need.
  • config/osx.sh: Script that will set many custom settings to OSX.

Take a look at all the scripts, feel free to take some code (many pieces come from others as well :P), ideas, customize it, improve it, or whatever you like!

And remember, this repository (as any dotfile repo) is meant for forking.


Installation ============

Easy peasy:

git clone git://github.com/corefile/fBootstrap.git ~/.fBootstrap 
cd ~/.fBootstrap && ./bootstrap.sh

Pay attention to the installation/configuration process because some questions will be asked. Sometimes easy ones as your Github user/email, sometimes more difficult ones as your root credentials to be able to proceed!

Customization =============

I think that most of these scripts are perfectly useful for anybody. However, there are part that you should consider to adapt to fit your own needs:

  • /sw/brew-dev.sh is where I've gathered some installs that are very personal: I don't think most people will need Qt and VTK development libraries on their systems! :P
  • Everything under /config/osx.sh customize MANY things... Take a look and decide previous to your install

What you get ============

An essential pack of software for your Mac:

Leaving as it is, you also get these tools for developement:

And last but not least, this bootstrap will install:

Besides all this cool software, fBootstrap will add a couple of things you've probably missed on your Mac OS for a long time:

  • Ctrl + + + l shortcut to start your screensaver and lock screen! Blazing fast!
  • Ctrl + + + c to copy file/dir paths from Finder. I know drag and drop is cool, but not as much as this shortcut!
  • Ctrl + + + o to open files in fMacVim. Neat!

And I programatically added links to /Applications, ~, Projects (my work), ~/Dropbox, and Downloads right into the Dock. Yay!

What's the future of fBootstrap? --------------------------------

This is nowhere near to be perfect, so I expect to bring future updates.

Nothing planned yet.

I'd be pleased to hear any comments, ideas, code, questions, or whatever you may want to say!

You'll easily find me at: github.com/fbeeper, or @fbeeper.

Licensing and thanks... -----------------------

I kept as much references as I could (in-line with the code) to the work of others. But I'm going to be more clear:

Relative to my work, I'd like to share it with the world under an simple clause: If you use it the least you must choose something from this list.

  • Make any constructive comment of my code. I'm here to learn.
  • Contribute something to this scripts. Updates, fixes, features... Whatever!
  • Donate bitcoins to: 1N3hiRq46tLgHmdU1UAQST7SA3SfKTfb75

Besides that, I hope you are kind enough to reference any your sources whether is my code or a code from a 3rd party!

Boxen 😅 ---- \* I tried [Boxen](http://boxen.github.com) (really, I even did this [post](http://glipho.com/fbeeper/my-experience-with-boxen)), but it is not as easy as I would have liked (I've no experience neither Ruby nor Puppet). That's fBootstrap birthdate. It won't have a fancy architecture, but it will be more handy for me! :D