
Classic helicopter game written in C (Allegro5)

Primary LanguageC


Simple helicopter game created by C (Allegro 5)


This game, Cavecopter Lite, is simple but addictive game. Guide the helicopter through the cave without hitting walls or obstacles. hold space bar button to go up/ Release to go down.

Cavecopter Screenshot Cavecopter Screenshot


C with Allegro 5

More information about Allegro 5 (A game programming library)

Developer Guide

  • #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS is to prevent a warning in Visual Studio 2015
  • enum STATE { TITLE, PLAYING, GAMEOVER }; consist of 3 game states.
    • TITLE is title menu which instructions is included. player have to press 'a' in order to play
    • PLAYING is main gameplay. (Note: The helicopter will go up instantly)
    • GAMEOVER is a screen which shows score and wait for the player to press 'play again' button.
