
TypeScript/JavaScript package that converts various culinary units or terms to their respective abbreviations. The package was built to augment recipe, cooking, and mixology-oriented applications.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TypeScript & JavaScript package that converts various English language culinary units or terms to their respective abbreviations. The package was built to augment recipe, cooking, baking, and mixology-oriented applications.

published npm version codecov npm monthly downloads type definitions license


  • Convert common (and niche) culinary units for Height, Length, Depth, Weight, Volume, Capacity, Size, and Spoons to matching abbreviations.
  • Parses and converts the plural form of a unit string to its respective abbreviation, if it exists in our data.
  • Handles American & British English spelling of units including (non-exclusive):
    • centimetre & centimeter
    • litre & liter
  • Modifies the input string, returning any matched words abbreviated and all else preserved.


  • Passing capitalized unit returns its respective abbreviation also capitalized (in multi-worded strings, only if the first word was capitalized). Inconsistent with preserved string logic.

Coming Soon...

  • Optional parameters for customization (i.e. custom units)

Is Something Missing?

Create an issue to share what would make this library more useful.


You need npm installed (or another package manager; instructions follow for npm).

$ npm install npm@latest -g


Using npm:

$ npm install culinary-unit-abbreviation


import abbr from 'culinary-unit-abbreviation'; // as ES module

// Convert the unit 'tablespoons' to 'tbsps'

// Convert the unit 'large clove' to 'lg cl'
abbr('large clove');

// Convert the unit 'fluid ounces' to 'fl oz'
abbr('fluid ounces');
const abbr = require('culinary-unit-abbreviation'); // as CommonJS script

// Convert the unit 'half dozen' to '½ doz'
abbr('half dozen');

// Convert the unit 'Millilitre' to 'ml'

// Convert the unit 'Pounds' to 'lbs'

Supported conversions


  • bottle(s)
  • bunch(es)
  • bushel(s)
  • can(s)
  • clove(s)
  • dash(es)
  • dozen(s)
  • drop(s)
  • each
  • filet(s)
  • handful(s)
  • head(s)
  • loaf/loaves
  • package(s)
  • packet(s)
  • peck(s)
  • piece(s)
  • pinch(es)
  • serving(s)
  • sheet(s)
  • slice(s)
  • sprig(s)
  • stalk(s)
  • stick(s)
  • strip(s)


  • large
  • medium
  • small

Common Fractions

  • half
  • quarter
  • third


  • centimeter(s)/centimetre(s)
  • inch(es)
  • millimeter(s)/millimetre(s)


  • gram(s)
  • kilogram(s)
  • microgram(s)
  • milligram(s)
  • ounce(s)
  • pound(s)


  • centiliter(s)/centilitre(s)
  • cup(s)
  • fluid ounce(s)
  • gallon(s)
  • liter(s)/litre(s)
  • milliliter(s)/millilitre(s)
  • pint(s)
  • quart(s)

Spoon Size

  • dessertspoon(s)
  • tablespoon(s)
  • teaspoon(s)

Request An Abbreviation

Want to see another unit or measurement term and it's abbreviation? Think another abbreviation should replace another? Submit an Issue with the term, abbreviation, and an example of the term/abbreviation as it is used in culinary arts.


Dimitar Dimitrov - unit-abbreviation - library boilerplate
