
External dependencies for fw4spl

Primary LanguageC

fw4spl deps


fw4spl deps are the dependencies necessary to build the fw4spl applications. They need to be built in order to compile anything from fw4spl.


Build steps

  • Get the sources from the repository. If you read this README, you should know how to do it
  • Create a dir and cd in it
  • do a
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<build_type> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_prefix>


  • <build_type> being Debug or Release as used by cmake
  • <install_prefix> being a directory where all libs and exe from the deps will be installed (better to be a personnal folder right now, don't use /usr/local or other)
  • do a
$ make itk json-spirit camp dcmtk hdf5 ann cryptopp -j <number of parallel compilation tasks to run>

Use from fw4spl

When compiling fw4spl applications, in the cmake, you should inform that the deps are available in their <install_prefix> defined in the build steps