Go bindings to systemd socket activation, journal, D-Bus, and unit files
- 0
- 5
slog handler for writing into journal
#437 opened by corny - 3
- 1
fetching shutdown time in golang
#447 opened by anarcat - 1
sdjournal doesn't build on arm64
#445 opened by arianvp - 0
Feature request: support fdstore functionality
#442 opened by happy-dude - 1
Support hostname1 D-Bus interface
#438 opened by ananthb - 0
Managing a "user unit file" via dbus, how?
#436 opened by shadyabhi - 3
No asynchronous response when service is stopped
#416 opened by ndeubert - 0
- 1
- 0
Cannot Start or Stop Units anymore, when nothing reads from the job completion channel
#429 opened by j-licht - 0
- 0
Fail sdjournal on armhf architecture
#427 opened by AndreyMaslow - 0
Is it possible to interact with systemd system units as non-root user? (Authentication?)
#425 opened by patrickjane - 1
"Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1" when using GetUnitPropertiesContext
#424 opened by patrickjane - 2
sdjournal: please add support for journal namespaces
#413 opened by klaernie - 3
dlopen_test.go:54:15: undefined: strlen
#339 opened by eclipseo - 1
Different test failure results when build and tested on 1)ppc64le arch with rhel image and 2)ppc64le arch without image
#411 opened by ShalmonTitre1 - 0
Socket activation logic lacks error checking
#405 opened by jsonn - 1
Writing `UNIT` to journal
#403 opened by ginglis13 - 1
Module for reading service credentials
#402 opened by cedws - 0
- 0
- 4
bug(dbus): New[User|System]ConnectionContext doesn't respect incoming context.Context
#398 opened by bisakhmondal - 0
sdjournal: JournalReader.Follow is not thread-safe
#394 opened by corhere - 0
- 2
Bump required Go version to 1.13
#391 opened by invidian - 4
Provide error handling for Reboot() call
#387 opened by invidian - 0
Rename login1.Conn to login1.Client or similar
#389 opened by invidian - 0
Use (*Conn) AddMatchSignal instead of BusObject().Call("org.freedesktop.DBus.AddMatch"
#388 opened by invidian - 2
Subscriptions with JobNew and JobRemoved
#377 opened by WhyNotHugo - 2
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No way to wait for dbus.ReloadContext completion
#383 opened by phemmer - 3
concurrency safety?
#381 opened by phemmer - 1
Missing non-"unit" properties (e.g. service)
#382 opened by phemmer - 1
failed to read message field
#380 opened by shenxin - 3
- 1
sdjournal: pkg-config isn't queried for include paths
#351 opened by flokli - 0
Missing ReenableUnitFiles function
#374 opened by jameshartig - 7
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
Continuous fuzzing through OSS-fuzz
#357 opened by AdamKorcz - 1
Is it time for a new tag?
#353 opened by liuliqiang - 1
- 2
Solving failure: "" imports "", which contains malformed code: no package exists at ""
#338 opened by ThinkingXuan - 0
Add support for transient timers
#337 opened by onitake - 1
Simplified interface to monitor job completion status
#334 opened by onitake