
Smart Table Props Color

32x0lf opened this issue · 16 comments


I tried to change colors of cells when clicking sort. I used HandleSortValueChanged event but I cannot make use of the _styles.
Is this possible changing colors of the cells(odd) when sorted in smart table?


Thank you

@32x0lf what you're looking for is to overwrite css variables for .table-striped
For example, in src/scss/_custom.scss file:

// Here you can add other styles
.table-striped {
  --cui-table-striped-bg: lightpink;
  --cui-table-striped-color: darkred;


What I meant is to changed the color of the cells when the column is sorted by clicking the arrow up and arrow down in smart table columns.


@32x0lf Do you want to change the color of the sorted column?

Yes,all sorted column only. It will change only when sort header column is clicked.

in this case you have to listen to (sorterValueChange) events


Do you have sample code on how to implement this? I tried putting color inside that event but it didn't work.
html file
ts file

handleSorterValueChange(sorterValue: any) {
  const sorter = Object.keys(sorterValue).length
    ? { color: "success"}
      : { color: 'info'};
  console.log('handleSorterValueChange', sorter);


Let's try this way:

  1. in your component - add props
  2. in event handler - store required style and column name
  3. in html - style the <td> accordingly for ng-template cTemplateId="tableData"
  // 1. in your component - add props
  sortedColumnStyle = {};
  sortedColumnKey = '';

  // 2. in event handler - store required style and column name 
  handleSorterValueChange(sorterValue: any) {
    console.log('sorterValueChange', sorterValue);
    this.sortedColumnStyle = sorterValue?.state ? {backgroundColor: '#badce3'} : {};
    this.sortedColumnKey = sorterValue?.column ?? '';
<!-- 3. in html - style the td accordingly  -->
  <ng-template cTemplateId="tableData" let-columnName="columnName" let-item="item" let-tdContent="tdContent">
    <td [ngStyle]="sortedColumnKey === columnName ? sortedColumnStyle: {}">

Thanks, should I do the same for the header as well? Should I use th instead of td?


cTemplateId="tableData" works for <tbody> only

  • assuming you have defined columns and every column def has a key
  • you should also take care of types
handleSorterValueChange(sorterValue: any) {
  this.sortedColumnStyle = sorterValue?.state ? {backgroundColor: '#badce3'} : {};
  this.sortedColumnKey = sorterValue?.column ?? '';

  this.columns.forEach((column) => {
    column._style = column.key === sorterValue?.column
      ? { ...column._style, backgroundColor: '#badce3' }
      : { ...column._style, backgroundColor: null };

Thank you so much @xidedix


why I am getting this error?
`Type '{ backgroundColor: string; minWidth?: undefined; width?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type '{ minWidth: string; width: string; backgroundColor: null; } | { backgroundColor: null; minWidth?: undefined; width?: undefined; } | { minWidth: string; width: string; backgroundColor: string; } | { ...; }'.
Type '{ backgroundColor: string; minWidth?: undefined; width?: undefined; }' is not assignable to type '{ minWidth: string; width: string; backgroundColor: null; }'.
Types of property 'minWidth' are incompatible.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.

81 column._style = column.key === sorterValue?.column`

in my column property there is one column that I set like this _style: {backgroundColor: ''}. If I add another style like width I will get that error

@32x0lf that's why you should also take care of types

a minimal setup could look like:

interface IColumn {
  key: string;
  label?: string;
  filter?: boolean;
  sorter?: boolean;
  _style?: any;
  _props?: any;
  _classes?: any;

and in your component:

columns: IColumn[] = [

Oh. thanks for the info.

Hi @xidedix ,

I noticed this code

  this.columns.forEach((column) => {
    column._style = column.key === sorterValue?.column
      ? { ...column._style, backgroundColor: '#badce3' }
      : { ...column._style, backgroundColor: null };

is no longer working. I don't know maybe after updating to latest version of coreui pro for angular 14 version,
Just noticed this one today.

@32x0lf mutated columns won't trigger change detection,
you can try:

this.columns.forEach((column) => {
  column._style = column.key === sorterValue?.column
    ? { ...column._style, backgroundColor: '#badce3' }
    : { ...column._style, backgroundColor: null };
this.columns = [...this.columns]


this.columns =, index) => {
  column._style = column.key === sorterValue?.column
    ? { ...column._style, backgroundColor: '#badce3' }
    : { ...column._style, backgroundColor: null };
  return column;
this.columns.forEach((column) => {
  column._style = column.key === sorterValue?.column
    ? { ...column._style, backgroundColor: '#badce3' }
    : { ...column._style, backgroundColor: null };
this.columns = [...this.columns]

Thank you.