CoreUI Components Library for Angular
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Problem with Nested Tabs in CoreUI Angular
#209 opened by oarque - 1
Problem with Nested Tabs in CoreUI
#210 opened by oarque - 1
Problem with Nested Tabs in CoreUI Angular
#208 opened by oarque - 3
- 1
[Angular-Charts] Plugins not recognized
#206 opened by Sanafan - 3
ERROR NullInjectorError: NullInjectorError: No provider for _SidebarNavHelper!
#205 opened by ehsan69h - 6
Use of different Icons aside from Core UI Icons
#198 opened by 32x0lf - 4
Build Issue - version 15 in Github Action
#184 opened by kajanthan19 - 3
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Angular v18 support
#204 opened by meriturva - 2
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How to overwrite size property?
#201 opened by nook24 - 1
RTL alignment issue in drop-down menu
#196 opened by codexSD - 1
[Blocker] IntersectionObserver is not definded
#193 opened by sauravgaursmith - 0
During control flow migration a typo error was introduced on iconComponent check
#200 opened by meriturva - 2
Datepicker inside a modal that is in another modal. Datepicker not showing
#188 opened by fgutierrezg - 4
Multi Select with fewer data
#186 opened by 32x0lf - 4
Angular v17 support
#190 opened by LordMrcS - 1
Upgrade to angular 17
#192 opened by ProDInfo - 4
Showing record count in smart table
#180 opened by 32x0lf - 3
Hide manually check box for selectable enabled
#187 opened by 32x0lf - 4
Angular v16 support
#177 opened by meriturva - 3
Stepper Component
#173 opened by 32x0lf - 6
Smart Table not updating the data.
#179 opened by 32x0lf - 6
Using of Accordion throws NullInjector error
#185 opened by gaweCodes - 3
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Multi Select loading data
#169 opened by 32x0lf - 1
Dynamic Nav json format for sidebar
#183 opened by 32x0lf - 1
Side Menu when clicked open to new tab
#181 opened by 32x0lf - 0
Changing color of icon
#178 opened by 32x0lf - 4
Daterangepicker Laggs
#176 opened by kernle27 - 1
Toggle switch with label inside
#167 opened by 32x0lf - 16
Smart Table Props Color
#156 opened by 32x0lf - 12
- 4
ERROR in node_modules/@coreui/angular/lib/sidebar/app-sidebar.service.d.ts(7,20): error TS1005: ';' expected.
#174 opened by hammadakhan - 4
Alert component does not close one at a time
#172 opened by 32x0lf - 2
Calling a modal inside the modal
#171 opened by 32x0lf - 5
send toast inside interceptor
#158 opened by 32x0lf - 4
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Sidebar Collapse all on click
#159 opened by kernle27 - 3
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Type Ahead in Select component
#166 opened by 32x0lf - 3
Underline in Components/Nav not displaying correctly
#164 opened by davalbra - 17
Smart Table tableFilterValue
#163 opened by 32x0lf - 8
Passing Data to modal.
#161 opened by 32x0lf - 2
Not sure if all old downloads are able to use if they use npm install after removing old node modules
#162 opened by brijeshpant83 - 1
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SelectionChange event
#155 opened by 32x0lf - 2
Sample code for cell color in smart table
#154 opened by 32x0lf