
Hide manually check box for selectable enabled

Closed this issue · 3 comments

32x0lf commented


I was trying to check your documents but found none about how to hide the checkbox in rows if selectable is enabled for smart table. I tried adding _props: {'selectable': false} for rows that are not editable or with pencil icon but it didn't work.


Please advise. Thank you

32x0lf commented

HI @xidedix ,

Please advise.

32x0lf commented

Hi @xidedix ,

I submitted a ticket to the support using the support link. hoping to hear from your team. Thank you

Starting from v4.5.24 of CoreUI Pro for Angular 16 you can use _selectable prop in your Items array like:

const usersData: IItem[] = [
  {id: 0, name: 'John Doe', _selectable: false},
  {id: 1, name: 'Samppa Nori'},