
NeoVim Complete Setup

Primary LanguageLua


My NeoVim Complete Setup

  • Create a ~/.config directory if you don't already have one
  • Inside ~/.config directory pull down the repo
  • cd into nvim folder and open it with neovim e.g. nvim command
  • Plugins should begin to install automagically.
  • cp the tmux config example file as a dot file to the root of your machine e.g. cp tmux-config-example ~/.tmux.config
  • You will also need to install Node via NVM for JS related servers to work
  • Tip: add the nvm config to a .zshrc file (not .zshenv file)
  • If errors occure run :MasonLog to check the error logs


  • You'll need to install fonts for icons to show up in your vim IDE
  • You can install Nerd font for example with brew
  • Then move the font files from /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/font-hack-nerd-font to /Users/<username>/Library/Fonts
  • Then open the terminal settings and change the default font to your downloaded font