
A script to make bringing up an OpenShift development cluster more pleasurable

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A script to make bringing up an OpenShift cluster more pleasurable


This command line utility was created to make setting up and working with a development environment for OpenShift Origin faster and simpler.

Using Install Configs

You can create install configs using the openshift-install create install-config command
and store them in $HOME/.openshift/configs and use them with this script using the os --cloud-config <type> where <type> is one of aws, gce, or azure.
You can templatize them by replacing the generated pull secret with $PullSecret and the ssh key with $SSHPublicKey and the script will auto-populate them for you when the configs are copied. See the provided example configs in the sample-configs folder in this repository for more information. You will need to name your install configs like install-config-<type>.yaml.tmpl for this script to pick them up.

Pull Secret

You will need to store your pull secrets in ~/.openshift/pull-secret.json for them to be picked up by this script, or use --pull-secret to set the location that you would like to use.


It is recommended that you symlink this file into your ~/bin directory so that you can run it without having to specify the path. You will also need to make sure that ~/bin is on your PATH.


  Usage: os [OPTIONS]...
  Download the OpenShift client and installer and launch a cluster.

  Optional Arguments:

 ============================ Cluster Functions ========================================

  --cloud-config     The name of the cloud configuration file to use. i.e. aws, gce, azure

  --cloud-config-dir Path to the folder containing the cloud configuration files
                     Defaults to ~/.openshift/configs

  --cluster-dir      Path to the folder to use for the files created by the installer.
                     Defaults to ~/openshift/cluster

  --downloader       Which program to use to download the client and installer.  i.e. oc, curl, wget
                     Defaults to oc

  --mirror-url       The url of the mirror that we should look for the client and installer on

  --os-type          Override the detected operating system. i.e. linux-gnu, darwin

  --pull-secret      Path to the file containing your pull secrets.  
                     Defaults to ~/.openshift/pull-secret.json

  --ssh-pubkey       Path to your ssh public key that should be used for
                     the cluster installation.
                     Defaults to ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub                     

  --payload-host     Host to download the client/installer from when using the oc downloader.
                     Defaults to registry.svc.ci.openshift.org

  --payload-image    Image to download from the payloadhost when using the oc downloader.
                     Defaults to ocp/release

  --release-version  Version to use of the OpenShift client and installer.
                     Defaults to 4.2.9

  You can find a list of release versions and their supported downloader(s) below:

  Payload Host                                                           |  Downloader(s)
  registry.svc.ci.openshift.org                                          |  oc

  Mirror URL                                                             |  Downloader(s)
  https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ocp              |  curl, wget
  https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ocp-dev-preview  |  curl, wget

  ============================ Utility Functions ==================================

  --tools-only       Download and install the OpenShift client and installer only
                     and don't remove a previous cluster or create a new one.

  --disable          cvo - Scales the Cluster Version Operator down to zero (0) so that
                           it won't overwrite your changes during development

  --enable           cvo - Scales the Cluster Version Operator up to one (1) which will
                           overwrite any development changes, so beware!  

  --update-image     cro - Tags docker.io/openshift/origin-cluster-image-registry-operator:latest to 
                           and then patches the deployment/cluster-image-registry-operator to use it   

  --quay-user         The username on quay.io that the image from --update-image should be pushed to.                    
  --show             pullsecret - Shows the pullsecret from ~/.openshift/pull-secret.json
                                  or a location specified with --pull-secret
                                  Removes newlines.                                  

  -h, --help         Display this help.