
A ruby gRPC server that can store and retrieve files from memcache. A Go client to interact with the server

Primary LanguageRuby

This is an example project of connecting two distinct applications over gRPC.

The gRPC server is written in ruby, and can be ran from the main directory, ruby ./server.rb. This starts a gRPC server on port 50051.

class CacheHubServer
  class << self
    def start

    def start_grpc_server
      puts 'cache hub server up'
      @server = GRPC::RpcServer.new
      @server.add_http2_port('', :this_port_is_insecure)

There are currently only 2 methods defined in the cache.proto file:


  • Used for basic health check on the server


  • Used as the main file transfer stream method
service CacheHub {
  rpc GetStatus(StatusRequest) returns (StatusResponse) {}
  rpc Upload(stream Chunk) returns (UploadStatus) {}


The gRPC client in written in Go, and can be found in /golang_client/. You can interact with the client from the command line:

> go run client.go -h
  -a string
        action to preform.  status, get, store
  -f string
        file name
exit status 2

To store a file in memcache:

> go run client.go -a=store -f=/path/to/file/myfile.pdf

To get a file from the cache:

go run client.go -a=get -f=myfile.pdf

File Location: /tmp/myfile.pdf -- md5: 61e4b830ec5baea0fa9ff430e8ddcfa7%

Note: this returns a file path location from the local system, for learning purposes only.

The Ruby FileHandler and CacheBroker classes

TODO: Documentation

Misc Notes:

To generate go client files:

protoc -I ../protos ../protos/cache.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:cache

To generate ruby server files:

grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I protos --ruby_out=lib --grpc_out=lib protos/cache.proto

To start ruby gRPC server:

ruby ./server.rb