Required Parameters
Name | Value | Example ------- | ---- Restlog[app_key] | The Unique App Key | 70H9uC61UJTlF1I2Ik8DjA | Restlog[api_key] | User's Restlog API Key | oX438Thrs09483jgks | message[event] | JSON Event Data Object | { "levels": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "canFail": true, } | message[level] | Level of message, defined by app on what it saves
- MessageCollections - renamed propertes for criteria_value and collection_criteria_property
- App -> View -> Save message collection integrated. Added validation.
- App -> View -> When saving a colleciton it auto populates the Collection drop down search criteria
Readme additions
- MessageCollectionsController now supports saving, and retrieving
- App JSON.RABL template now includes the serialzation of the message collections
- Start of UI for message collections integrated on AppView angular template
- removed obsolete fields, short_description and long_description from Message.rb
- mongid 5.0.0 update
- add MessageCollection.rb model
- added MessageCollection rabl views, MessageCollectionsController.rb, messages/collections routes.
- added traits to spec/factories/signup_key.rb
- fixed user_signup_spec.rb to work with new validiation
- added flash messages (errors) to devise/registraiton/new.html.erb page for failed beta key, and missing beta key
- added version to config.masterctrl.js to be displayed in footer
- removed templates/restlog/dashboard.html.erb (unneeded)
- renamed angular/controller/app_managment.js to /app_controller.js
- added jasmine gems and initial framework for testing
- added jasmine to Gemfile
- removed fastercsv from Gemfile
- initial jasmine initilazations added
- rails updates from '4.2.1' to '4.2.3'
- angular updated to 1.4
- removed ngstorage
- removed bootstrap from bower config
- angular cookies, resource, touch sanitize updated from 1.3 to 1~.4
- angular service added, Messages.js, for handling filtering of messages by app
- start_date, end_date filtering added to messages_controlller.rb
- removed chartkick gem
- added congif driven version to angular template, in footer
- renamed messages_controlelr#index route to /app/message?app_id=XXXX
- Gems added for pry, pry-doc, pry-byebug
- MessagesController#index returns paged results per appid supplies
- refacotring and rebuilding messages api and controller
- removed all references to pulsar, renamed to restlog and Restlog
- removed old message_analytics.rb actions
- removed all old routes from routes.rb pertaining to above mentioned code refacotring
- added version to application.rb