
Team Sports Registration Application

Feature List: [Core]User registration, login Program Director/Coach/Admin [Core] Create a sports program Open/Closed Status [Core] Assign users to programs [Core] Program scheduling [Core] View master program list on schedule view [Core] CRUD for programs and enrollments [Stretch] View individual program data Enrollments [Stretch] View program history [Stretch] Segment programs by type/age group/ability Parent User/Client [Core] Lookup listed sports programs date type age range [Core] Enroll self or multiple children into program [Core] See current enrollments

Data Schema User { email password uuid type: {Enum["Admin", "Coach", "Parent", "Child"]} parentId: {uuid} (only for children) enrollmentIdList: {uuid[]} ...profileInfo } Program { uuid type name description startDate endDate } Enrollment { uuid userId: {uuid} programId: {uuid} type: {Enum["Admin", "Coach", "Parent", "Child"]} }