
Primary LanguageSmarty

GitCall Helm Chart



Clone this repo to your computer and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/corezoid/gitcall-helm.git && cd gitcall-helm


Before start an installation process you have to set necessary values such as database and message queue hostnames, credentials, etc. Most of the value names are self-explanatory, and some not fully obvious cases are described below.

Do not edit the original values.yaml, make a copy and use it for your needs.

cp values.yaml my-values.yaml

The Secret key

To secure different parts of GitCall a secret key required. You have to prepare it using random generator and set a global.gitcall.secret with a given value. The value must not be shorter than 64 characters. You can use any random generator tool or just a shell command:

echo $(for N in {1..12}; do echo -n $RANDOM; done | base64 | head -c 64)

In the most cases you don't have to change this key during upgrades. Surely, keep this key in secret.

RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL connection settings

Fill the global.mq and global.db values with your credentials.

Docker Registry

GitCall sets up a Docker Registry and some parts of it need to be explicitly configured.

At first, the Registry must be accessible using public DNS name, so you have to properly set up a DNS record and point it to your cluster's load balancer IP address, then set the global.gitcall.registry.host value. Always keep the global.gitcall.registry.tls set to true, unless you know what you're doing.

At second, you have to configure the storage for images using registry.storage parameters. Currently, this chart support two kind of storage: filesystem volume or an S3 bucket. By default, a filesystem volume is configured. If you want to use it, make sure you've specified enough disk space in registry.storage.filesystem.size parameter and provided a valid storage class in the registry.storage.filesystem.storageClass (please consult your cloud provider, if you're not sure what storage classes you can use).

In case if you need to use an S3 bucket instead of a regular volume, change value of registry.storage.provider to s3, uncomment and fill necessary values of registry.storage.s3.


export GITCALL_NAMESPACE="gitcall"
export GITCALL_RELEASE="prod"

After you finish all the preparations, make a final check to be sure that everything is okay:

helm lint -n ${GITCALL_NAMESPACE} -f my-values.yaml .

and start the installation/upgrading process:

helm upgrade -n ${GITCALL_NAMESPACE} --install --atomic --wait-for-jobs --create-namespace -f values.yaml ${GITCALL_RELEASE} .


helm uninstall -n ${GITCALL_NAMESPACE} --wait ${GITCALL_RELEASE}


0.0.1 (2023-03-07)

First version.