Staff Site Reliability Engineer @ Glitch. Contents not reviewed by my employer.
@GlitchDotComSouth Central Wisconsin, USA
cori's Following
- adambox@FogCreek
- AngeloStavrow@DroppedBits
- anildash@glitchdotcom
- bigdogwillfeed@DevResults
- ckolderup@glitchdotcom
- DustinEwersWisconsin
- Eng-Management
- etamponiGoogle
- garethx
- glitchdotcomNew York, NY, and around the world
- InPermutation@MongoDB
- jamtur01@smartrr-group
- jeffgerhard
- judeallred
- khalby786@TinkerHub @CodeDay
- lou-fc
- lyzidiamondSalesforce
- neilgoodmanSeattle, WA
- nomicode@rosemede
- NReilingh@bardcollege
- pkethKinopio
- rails3book
- ralyodioLos Gatos, CA
- randsLos Gatos, CA
- rasterRasterWeb!
- runtipi
- sbp
- scriptingSmall Picture, Inc.
- stefanbohacekNew Jersey
- STRd6Ferndale, WA
- taintedzodiac@stripe
- TheBlokeUK
- tr0njavoltaUpbound
- voittoPortland, Oregon
- whimsicallysonFairport, NY