
Build Status Stories in Ready

Send an article headline found on the Internet and THE PERCEPTICON will tell you if it's good or bad journalism!

The API is live here - it's an API only Rails project so there's now views. See the front-end demo for instructions on how to use it.

Check out the Frontend demo for a demonstration

This was created as part of the final project at Makers Academy. It is a sample implementation of a (pre-taught) Perceptron algorithm that's accessible using a HTTP GET request.

Other components of the final project:

Tech used in this project:

  • Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku
  • TravisCI


  1. Clone this repo by running git clone
  2. Install dependencies by running bundle install (you may need to gem install bundle)
  3. Set up the databases: bin/rake db:migrate


Article Titles Considered Bad

  1. Launch the server by running bin/rails s
  2. Send a GET request to the following route, with a query string similar to the example:
http://localhost:3000/scores/new?title="22 Weird Pictures of Kim Kardashian that Broke the Internet"

You'll get a response back with the following JSON object:

"created_at": "2017-08-24T16:59:53.118Z",
"expected": null,
"id": 26,
"result": 1,
"updated_at": "2017-08-24T16:59:53.144Z",
"vector": [

A result greater than 0 indicates a bad article title.

Article Titles Considered Good

  1. Launch the server by running bin/rails s
  2. Send a GET request to the following route, with a query string similar to the example:
http://localhost:3000/scores/new?title="Businesses Uncertain over Brexit"

You'll get a response back with the following JSON object:

"created_at": "2017-08-24T16:59:53.118Z",
"expected": null,
"id": 26,
"result": 0,
"updated_at": "2017-08-24T16:59:53.144Z",
"vector": [

A result equal to 0 indicates a good article title.


Created by Team Vectorspace: