
Todo list built with React + Redux and hosted on Firebase

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The goal of this assignment is to have the candidate work with the same tools that are used in every-day Chama web development, so we can learn how one would perform while solving common development tasks that we have.


For this assignment, you are supposed to build a CRUD-complete to-do list, persisted on the user's machine.


At Chama, our frontend stack consists of React + Redux ❤️

You are required to use that same stack in this assignment.

Complementary libraries are permited e.g. lodash, provided that we are able to check how you code using React and Redux.

To speed things up, you can use CRA to bootsrap your app. The architecture CRA generates can be used or discarded, either way you'll have to be able to explain your final solution.

Firebase (optional)

Chama also uses Firebase to give our dealers a real-time experience. You'll get extra points if you are able to proper host, authenticate and/or provide a real-time experience using Firebase.

This is totally optional, so we recommend that it is the last things you try to do - preferentially in a separate branch, which will be merged to your master if you manage to make it work.

If you're not experienced with this kind of stuff and want to give it a shot, you can create an account in their free-plan with your own Goolge account.

Layouting the app

Don't invest too much on a beautiful visual because in real-life at Chama it would be handed out to you - as a front-ender here you would be able to suggest changes, of course.

But put energy on using good HTML and CSS, it can be vanilla or pre-processed.

Must have

  • Assign priority to a TO-DO and sort them by highest to lowest priority;
  • Set a due time. Add real-time visual and auditive hints to the TO-DO item that indicate that the due time is near and has passed;
  • Nice usability;
  • Nice stylesheet and a nice layout out of it;
  • Work on Chrome.

Nice to have


Create a new repo into your favorite git platform (github, bitbucket, etc), copy this README into it - as you progress with the assignment, check the boxes above in this README.

You can also add instructions for us in this file - edit it at will.

After you've finished, you can share the repository URL with us (preferred) or, if you made it on a private repository, just send us a .zip containing the source code.

If you hosted with firebase, you need to share its URL.


After you delivered the completed assignment to us, we will review it as soon as we can, generally within 3 days. We pay special attention to:

  • Coding skills
    • Writing testable code
    • Whether you use Redux, React, HTML and CSS properly
  • Software Engineering Skills
    • Code organization (modularity, dependencies between modules, naming, etc)
  • Overall Feeling
    • Software usability
    • Assignment completion
    • Overall code quality (edge cases, usage of tools, performance, best practices)


If we like what we see, we'll invite you to present your solution! We have a big screen for you to present on. Don't forget your laptop!


  • You don't need to spend time creating a dev/build environment, using react-create-app (and other alike tools) is totally ok!
  • Never done anything with Firebase? You can follow this guide and it should give you a nice starting point.
  • Don't need to re-invent the wheel, for components like Datepickers and/or Timepicker you can use Material-ui or any other of your choice, it has great integration with React environments.
  • Even though we allow third-party libraries, try to rely as little as possible on tools that write React-, Redux-, CSS- or firebase-related code for you. As our main focus is your own code (and ingenuity) with those tools.
  • As a company, we believe that communication is the key to success. So if something is not clear to you, or if you have doubts on what you can use, reach the devs.
  • Threat this project as if you/we would continue working on this after your assignment: maintainability, scalability, and readability are super important.

That's it!

Happy coding! 🤘