Applitools Hackathon 2019

Used Webdriverio v5 with Mocha.


  • Node version 8 or above
  • Npm version 6.4.x or above
  • Applitools API Key to be set as environment variable using following commands:
    • Mac / linux / Windows OS ( with Git bash terminal) : export APPLITOOLS_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY'
    • Windows(Powershell/ command prompt): set APPLITOOLS_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY'

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository - git clone
  2. Install the dependencies: npm install

Run tests:

To run traditional tests against APP V1: npm test

To run traditional tests against APP V2: npm run test:v2

To run visual AI tests against APP V1: npm run test:visual

To run visual AI tests against APP V2:npm run test:visual:v2

Applitools Dashboard - click Hackathon Dashboard