ScriptingProject: Phylomorphospace

Authors: Charlotte Benedict, Corinthia Black, Miles Horne, Matt Welc, Courtney Weyand

Auburn University; BIOL 7180 "Scripting for Biologists"


We will conduct phylogenetic analyses using MrBayes through the ASC. The following modules are required (follow links for detailed documentation)

  • PartitionFinder ***This package is not found on the ASC. You are not required to run this analysis. The file you need is found on GitHub.
  • MrBayes

MAFFT Alignment

First load the MAFFT v7.305 module:

module load mafft/7.305

Align the file using the MAFFT auto settings

Load unedited sequence fasta file and create new aligned output fasta file

mafft --auto unedited_sequences.fasta > aligned_sequences.fasta

Chmod and Execute the file:

chmod +x


Free open source software to select best-fit partitioning schemes and models of molecular evolution for phylogenetic analysis. Additional information can be found on the link provided above.

***You are not require to run this package. Best-fit partitioning schemes and models have been added to .nex file for MrBayes.


Create new directory for MrBayes

mkdir mb_output
cd mb_output

Load the MrBayes environment

source /opt/asn/etc/asn-bash-profiles-special/
module load mrbayes

Use nexus file

Run my job

mb ../catfishes_tree.nex >log.txt

Shape Analyses

We will conduct shape analyses using the R statistical software package. The following packages are required (follow links for detailed documentation)

Note -- if you do not have the listed R packages installed, un-comment the installation lines in Toothdata.Rmd

All of the R code required for the shape analyses is in the file "Toothdata.Rmd". This file is formatted for optimization in R studio, but it should run fine in "standard R". *what an r markdown file is


Create data frame from morphological data:

Teeth=read.delim("ToothMeasurements.txt", sep="\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

Run your PCA (Principal Component Analysis) of the morphological data and save it to be used in the next steps:

tooth.pca=prcomp(Teeth, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)

Create plot of PC1 x PC2 (the first two PCs typically capture the vast majority of the variation in shape):

g=ggbiplot(tooth.pca, obs.scale = 1, var.scale = 1, circle = TRUE) + geom_text(aes(label=tooth.pca$names),hjust=0, vjust=0, size=1.5)



# Read nexus phylogeny"catfishes_tree.txt")
# Save one copy of the tree as a phylo type
# Root tree to outgroup
tree=root(tree, "KY858079_1_Vandellia_sp_1", resolve.root = TRUE)
# Create list of species names to trim the tree
# Trim the tree to match the list of species and tip labels
trimmed.tree=drop.tip(tree,tree$tip.label[-match(species, tree$tip.label)])
# Find the phylosignal: K>1 = convergence of morphology, K<1 = morphology changes with phylogeny (divergence)
phylosig(trimmed.tree, pca.1.2, method="K", test = TRUE)
# Generate phylomorphospace from trimmed tree and pca coords 
phylomorphospace(trimmed.tree, pca.1.2, label = c("horizontal"), node.size=c(.5,1), xlim=c(-13,8))
