
Kubernetes Helm Charts for the Moov ecosystem

Primary LanguageMustacheApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status Apache 2 licensed

Kubernetes Helm Charts for the Moov ecosystem. All charts are in incubation phase and are expected to change in the near future.

Install / Usage

To test a chart locally without applying it to kubernetes, do:

$ cd stable/ach/
$ helm install --debug --dry-run .

OpenShift Images

We host images for OpenShift built from their Universal Base Image (UBI) on Quay.io for download.

Service Docker Hub Quay.io
moov-io/ach moov/ach quay.io/moov/ach
moov-io/fed moov/fed quay.io/moov/fed
moov-io/imagecashletter moov/imagecashletter quay.io/moov/imagecashletter
moov-io/watchman moov/watchman quay.io/moov/watchman
moov-io/wire moov/wire quay.io/moov/wire

This would mean calling helm install with the following override --set image.repository=quay.io/moov/ach for ACH.


To run included tests run:

# Lint all charts, render templates, and lint the Kubernetes manifests with kubeval
$ make test
wrote /var/folders/k3/pby7w8cn6xs_l3lrhz54vw5r0000gn/T/tmp.3MaxRFw9/ach/templates/deployment.yaml
PASS - ach/templates/deployment.yaml contains a valid Deployment

Integration testing

We use Kind (Kubernetes IN Docker) to launch a cluster where the helm charts are installed into.

# Integration testing
$ make integration-setup

# Test either Docker Hub or Quay.io images
$ make integration-docker-hub
$ make integration-openshift

# Cleanup test cluster
$ make integration-destroy

Note: To rapidly test changes to a chart use make integration-cleanup between test runs.

Getting Help

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Apache License 2.0 See LICENSE for details.