
URL for Access

Dataset can be downloaded at Google Drive.

Data Format

        "total_id": 98,
        # Name of movie which the image is from.
	"movie": "3051_NANNY_MCPHEE_RETURNS",
	# Object tags from Fast RCNN
	"objects": ["person", "person", "handbag", "spoon"],
	# Path of the image
	"img_fn": "lsmdc_3051_NANNY_MCPHEE_RETURNS/3051_NANNY_MCPHEE_RETURNS_01.19.27.912-",
	# Id of the image
	"img_id": "train-5244",
	# Path of the file storing the information of bounding boxes
	"metadata_fn": "lsmdc_3051_NANNY_MCPHEE_RETURNS/3051_NANNY_MCPHEE_RETURNS_01.19.27.912-",
	# Tokenized premise, the integers in lists indicate the index of objects in the above list.
	"premise": [[1], "and", [0], "are", "in", "good", "relationship", "."],
	# Category of the premise.
	"category": "character"
	# Tokenized actions, the intergers in lists indicate the index of objects.
	"answer_choices": [
		[[1], "with", "a", "handbag", "will", "hug", [0], "tightly", "."],
		[[1], "with", "a", "green", "handbag", "will", "shout", "at", [0], "in", "the", "kitchen", "."],
		[[1], "with", "a", "handbag", "will", "shout", "at", [0], "in", "the", "kitchen", "."],
		[[1], "with", "a", "green", "handbag", "will", "hug", [0], "tightly", "."]
	# The types of answers in the order corresponding to the answer_choices
	"answer_types": ["Action-True", "Distractor2", "Action-False", "Distractor1"],
	# The index of the correct answer in answer_choices.
	"answer_label": 0
	# For original set, the total_id of the sample that has the same image as the current sample if it exists.(-1 is the default)
	# For adversarial set, the list of total_id which the four choices are from.
	"answer_ori_ids":[14097, 12681, 387, 13170]