
On this project, AlexNet Convolution Neural Network is trained using traffic sign images from the German Road Traffic Sign Benchmark. The initially trained network is then quantized and optimized for deployment on mobile devices using TensorFlow Lite

Primary LanguagePython


On this project the AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network is trained using traffic sign images from the German Road Traffic Sign Benchmark. The initially trained network is then quantized/optimized for deployment on mobile devices using TensorFlowLite

Project Steps

  1. Download German Traffic Sign Benchmark Training Images from here
  2. Convert From .ppm to .jpg Format
  3. Label db Folder Appropriately
  4. Convert Dataset to TFRecord
  5. Create CNN (alexnet)
  6. Train CNN Using TFRecord Data
  7. Test & Evaluate Trained Model
  8. Quantize/Tune/Optimize trained model for mobile deployment
  9. Test & Evaluate Tuned Model
  10. Deploy Tuned Model to Mobile Platform Here

Steps 1, 2 & 3: Get Dataset, Convert (from .ppm to .jpeg) & Label Appropriately

The DatasetConverter folder contains the java program written to go through the GTSBR dataset, rename all its folders using the class name of the sets of images the folders contain. It also converts the image file types from .ppm to .jpeg

Step 4: Convert Dataset to TFRecord

With TensorFlow, we can store our whole dataset and all of its meta-data as a serialized record called TFRecord. Loading up our data into this format helps for portability and simplicity. Also note that this record can be broken into multiple shards and used when performing distributed training. A 'TFRecord' in TensorFlow is basically TensorFlow's default data format. A record file containing serialized tf.train.examples. To avoid confusion, a TensorFlow 'example' is a normalized data format for storing data for training and inference purposes. It contains a key-value store where each key string maps to a feature message. These feature messages can be things like a packed byte list, float list, int64 list. Note that many 'examples' come together to form a TFRecord. The script create_imdb.py is used to make the TFRecords out of the dataset. To learn more about creating a TFRecord file or streaming out data from it, see these posts TensorFlow TFRecord Blog Post 1 here & TensorFlow TFRecord Blog Post 2

Step 5: Create AlexNet Structure

The script train_alexnet.py is used to create and train the CNN. See TensorBoard visualization of AlexNet structure below:

Network Visualization

Figure Showing TesnorBoard Visualization of the Network

Step 6: Train CNN Using TFRecord Data

The figures below show the drop in loss of the network as training progressed. The Adam Optimizer was used. The Figure below shows the loss reducing per epoch Loss Per Epoch

Figure Showing Improvement In Network Performance Per Epoch (Epoch 0-20)

After the full training procedure, the trained model performed at over 98% accuracy

Step 7: Test & Evaluate Trained Model

To test the trained network model, the script classify_img_arg.py can be used. Usage format:

$python one_time_classify.py [saved_model_directory] [path_to_image]

Step 8: Quantize/Tune/Optimize Trained Model for Mobile Deployment

Here, the TensorFlow Graph Transform tool comes in handy in helping us shrink the size of the model and making it deployable on mobile. The transform tools are designed to work on models that are saved as GraphDef files, usually in a binary protobuf format, the low-level definition of a TensorFlow computational graph which includes a list of nodes and the input and output connections between them. But firstly before we start any form of transformation/optimization of the model, it is wise to freez the graph, i.e. making sure that trained weights are fused with the graph and converting these weights into embedded constants within the graph file itself. To do this, we will need to run the reeze_graph.py script.

The various transforms we can perform on our graph include striping unused nodes, removing unused nodes, folding batch norm layers etc.

In a nutshell, to achieve our conversion of the Tensorflow .pb model to a TensorFlowLite .lite model, we will:

  1. Freeze the grpah i.e merge checkpoint values with graph stucture. In other words, load variables into the graph and convert them to constants
  2. Perform one or two simple transformations/optimizations on the froze model
  3. Convert the frozen graph definition into the the flat buffer format (.lite)

The various transforms we can perform on our graph include stiping unused nodes, remving unused nodes, folding batch norm layers etc.

Step 8.1: Sample Transform Definition and A Little Bit of Explanation

Note that these transform options are key to shrinking the model file size

transforms = 'strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,299,299,3") 
remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics) 
fold_batch_norms fold_old_batch_norms 
quantize_weights obfuscate_names 
quantize_nodes sort_by_execution_order'

round_weights(num_steps=256) - Essentially, this rounds the weights so that nearby numbers are stored as exactly the same values, the resulting bit stream has a lot more repetition and so compresses down a lot more effectively. Compressed tflite model can be as small as 70-% less the size of the original model. The nice thing about this transform option is that it doesn't change the structure of the graph at all, so it's running exactly the same operations and should have the same latency and memory usage as before. We can adjust the num_steps parameter to control how many values each weight buffer is rounded to, so lower numbers will increase the compression at the cost of accuracy

quantize_weights - Storing the weights of the model as 8-bit will drastically reduce its size, however, we will be trading off inference accuracy here.

obfuscate_names - Supposing our graph has a lot of small nodes in it, the names can also end up being a cause of space utilization. Using this option will help cut that down.

For some platforms it is very helpful to be able to do as many calculations as possible in eight-bit, rather than floating-point. a few transform option are available to help achieve this, although in most cases some modification will need to be made to the actual training code to make this transofrm happen effectively.

8.2: Transformation & Conversion Execution

As we know, TensorFlowLite is still in its early development stage and many new features are being added daily. Conversely, there are some TensorFlow operation which are not currently fully supported at the moment e.g ArgMax. As a matter of fact, at the moment, models that were quantized using transform_graph are not supported by TF Lite . However, on the brighter note, we can still convert our TensorFlow custom alexnet model to a TFLite model, but we will need to turn of some transform options such as 'quantize_weights', 'quantize_nodes' and keep our model inference, input types as FLOATs. In this case, model size would not really change.

Code excerpt below from the freeze_and_convert_to_tflite.sh script shows how this .tflite conversion is achieved.

bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph
bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph --input_graph=$1 --input_checkpoint=$2 --input_binary=$3 --output_graph=$4 --output_node_names=$6

bazel build /tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:summarize_graph
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/summarize_graph --in_graph=$4

bazel build tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph --in_graph=$4 --out_graph=${10} --inputs=$5 --outputs=$6 --transforms='strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,227,227,3") remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics) fold_constants(ignore_errors=true) round_weights(num_steps=256) obfuscate_names sort_by_execution_order fold_old_batch_norms fold_batch_norms'

bazel build /tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco:toco
bazel-bin/tensorflow/contrib/lite/toco/toco --input_format=TENSORFLOW_GRAPHDEF --input_file=${10} --output_format=TFLITE --output_file=$7 --inference_type=$9 --#input_type=$8 --input_arrays=$5 --output_arrays=$6 --inference_input_type=$8 --input_shapes=1,227,227,3

Note, this will require you to build TensorFlow from source. You can get instructions to do this from here