
Modular ActivityPub implementation as Express JS middleware to easily add decentralization and federation to Node apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Modular implementation of the ActivityPub decentralized social networking protocol, written for NodeJS as ExpressJS middleware. Includes a interchangable storage interface with a default MongoDB implemenation.


In order for http request signing to function correctly, a patched version of the http-signature library is required. To ensure that request library is using the correct version for its subdependency, you may need to dedupe after installation.

npm install --save activitypub-express
npm dedupe


const express = require('express')
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb')
const ActivitypubExpress = require('activitypub-express')

const port = 8080
const app = express()
const routes = {
  actor: '/u/:actor',
  object: '/o/:id',
  activity: '/s/:id',
  inbox: '/u/:actor/inbox',
  outbox: '/u/:actor/outbox',
  followers: '/u/:actor/followers',
  following: '/u/:actor/following',
  liked: '/u/:actor/liked',
  collections: '/u/:actor/c/:id',
  blocked: '/u/:actor/blocked',
  rejections: '/u/:actor/rejections',
  rejected: '/u/:actor/rejected',
  shares: '/s/:id/shares',
  likes: '/s/:id/likes'
const apex = ActivitypubExpress({
  domain: 'localhost',
  actorParam: 'actor',
  objectParam: 'id',
  activityParam: 'id',
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017', { useUnifiedTopology: true, useNewUrlParser: true })

app.use(express.json({ type: apex.consts.jsonldTypes }), apex)
// define routes using prepacakged middleware collections
app.get(routes.actor, apex.net.actor.get)
app.get(routes.followers, apex.net.followers.get)
app.get(routes.following, apex.net.following.get)
app.get(routes.liked, apex.net.liked.get)
app.get(routes.object, apex.net.object.get)
app.get(routes.activity, apex.net.activityStream.get)
app.get(routes.shares, apex.net.shares.get)
app.get(routes.likes, apex.net.likes.get)
app.get('/.well-known/webfinger', apex.net.webfinger.get)
// custom side-effects for your app
app.on('apex-outbox', msg => {
  if (msg.activity.type === 'Create') {
    console.log(`New ${msg.object.type} from ${msg.actor}`)
app.on('apex-inbox', msg => {
  if (msg.activity.type === 'Create') {
    console.log(`New ${msg.object.type} from ${msg.actor} to ${msg.recipient}`)

client.connect({ useNewUrlParser: true })
  .then(() => {
    apex.store.db = client.db('DB_NAME')
    return apex.store.setup()
  .then(() => {
    app.listen(port, () => console.log(`apex app listening on port ${port}`))


ActivitypubExpress initializer

Configures and returns an express middleware function that must be added to the route before any other apex midddleware. It needs to be configured with the routes you will use in order to correctly generate IRIs and actor profiles

const ActivitypubExpress = require('activitypub-express')
const apex = ActivitypubExpress(options)
Option Description
domain String. Hostname for your app
actorParam String. Express route parameter used for actor name
objectParam String. Express route parameter used for object id
routes Object. The routes your app uses for ActivityPub endpoints (including parameter). Details below
routes.actor Actor profile route & IRI pattern
routes.object Object retrieval route & IRI pattern
routes.activity Activity retrieval route & IRI pattern
routes.inbox Actor inbox route
routes.outbox Actor outbox route
routes.following Actor following collection route
routes.followers Actor followers collection route
routes.liked Actor liked collection route
routes.blocked Actor's blocklist
routes.rejected Activities rejected by actor
routes.rejections Actor's activities that were rejected by recipient
routes.shares Activity shares collection route
routes.likes Activity likes collection route
routes.collections Actors' miscellaneous collections route (must include actorParam and collectionParam)
activityParam String. Express route parameter used for activity id (defaults to objectParam)
collectionParam String. Express route parameter used for collection id (defaults to objectParam)
pageParam String. Query parameter used for collection page identifier (defaults to page)
itemsPerPage Number. Count of items in each collection page (default 20)
context String, Object, Array. JSON-LD context(s) to use with your app in addition to the base AcivityStreams + Security vocabs
endpoints Object. Optional system-wide api endpoint URLs included in actor objects: proxyUrl, oauthAuthorizationEndpoint, oauthTokenEndpoint, provideClientKey, signClientKey, sharedInbox, uploadMedia
logger Object with info, warn, error methods to replace console
store Replace the default storage model & database backend with your own (see store/interface.js for API)
threadDepth Controls how far up apex will follow links in incoming activities in order to display the conversation thread & check for inbox forwarding needs (default 10)
systemUser Actor object representing system and used for signing GETs (see below)
offlineMode Disable delivery. Useful for running migrations and queueing deliveries to be sent when app is running
requestTimeout Timeout for requests to other servers, ms (default 5000)

Blocked, rejections, and rejected: these routes must be defined in order to track these items internally for each actor, but they do not need to be exposed endpoints (and probably should not be public even then)

System User / GET authentication

Some federated apps may require http signature authentication on GET requests. To enable this functionality, set the systemUser property on your apex instance equal to an actor created with createActor (generally of type 'Service') and saved to your object store. Its keys will be used to sign all federated object retrieval requests. This property can be set after initializing your apex instance, as you will need access to the createActor method and a database connection.

const ActivitypubExpress = require('activitypub-express')
const apex = ActivitypubExpress(options)
// ... connect to db
apex.createActor('system-user', 'System user', '', null, 'Service')
  .then(async actor => {
    await apex.store.saveObject(actor)
    apex.systemUser = actor


Q: How do I resolve this error seen when receiving/delivering activities or running the federation tests: Uncaught exception: InvalidHeaderError: bad param format

A: Run npm dedupe to ensure request library is using the patched version of http-signature library.

Implementation status

  • Shared server- & client-to-server
    • Inbox GET
    • Outbox GET
    • Shared inbox GET
    • Resource GET
      • Object
      • Actor
      • Activity
      • Collections
        • Special collections
          • Inbox
          • Outbox
          • Followers
          • Following
          • Liked
          • Likes
          • Shares
        • Misc collections (of activities)
        • Pagination
      • Relay requests for remote objects
      • Response code 410 for Tombstones
    • Security
      • Permission-based filtering
  • Server-to-server
    • Inbox POST
      • Activity side-effects
        • Create
        • Update
        • Delete
        • Follow
        • Accept
        • Reject*
        • Add*
        • Remove*
        • Like
        • Announce
        • Undo
        • Other acivity types
      • Security
        • Signature validation
        • Honor recipient blocklist
      • Recursive resolution of related objects
      • Forwarding from inbox
    • Shared inbox POST
      • Delivery to targeted local inboxes
    • Delivery
      • Request signing
      • Addressing
        • Shared inbox optmization
        • Direct delivery to local inboxes
      • Redelivery attempts
  • Client-to-server
    • Outbox POST
      • Auto-Create for bare objects
      • Activity side-effects
        • Create
        • Update
        • Delete
        • Follow
        • Accept
        • Reject
        • Add
        • Remove
        • Like
        • Block*
        • Undo
        • Other acivity types
    • Media upload
  • Other
    • Actor creation
      • Key generation
    • Security
      • Verification
      • localhost block
      • Recursive object resolution depth limit
    • Related standards
      • http-signature
      • webfinger
      • json-ld
        • Context cache
      • Linked data signatures
    • Storage model (denormalized MongoDB)
      • Index coverage for all queries
      • Fully interchangable with documented API

Implementation notes

  • actor.streams miscellaneous collections: Add/Remove activities create custom collections on the fly using the id scheme in routes.collections, but these are not publicized by default. To make a custom collection public, you'll need to publish Updates to the collection object with each Add/Remove. However, for those updates to be verified, the actor must demonstrate ownership by adding the collection id as a property value in actor.streams (and publishing the actor object update)

  • Addressing collections: in addition to followers, apex can also address to miscellaneous collections. It will add actors from the actor and/or object fields of each activity in the collection to the audience.

  • Inbox Add/Remove: I don't see a general purpose (i.e. a remote actor being able to modify local collections); specific uses can be added in the implementation via the event handler.

  • Reject: Activity is added to the actor's rejected (outbox) or rejection (inbox) collection. If the object is a Follow that was previously accepted, this will also remove it from the followers (outbox) or following (inbox) collection.

  • Block: Activity is added to the actor's blocked collection. Per spec, future activities from blocked actors will be silently ignored. Additionally, past activitities will be filtered from display in the inbox and followers collections, but they are not permanetly deleted, so they would re-appear after undo of block.

  • Rate limits: not included in activitpub-express; should be handled in the specific implementation

  • Content sanitization: the apex default store will sanitize for storage in MongoDB, but display sanitization is not included in activitpub-express. This should be handled in the specific implementation

  • Authorization: the prepacked GET middlewares will only return items that are publicly addressed unless the request is authorized. Determining the requesting user: By default, apex will check for PassportJS-style authentication, where request.user.username has the preferredUsername of the authorized actor. Override this by setting response.locals.apex.authorizedUserId to an actor IRI. Determining authorization: By default, a request is considered authorized if the authorizedUserId is the item's owner. Override this by setting response.locals.apex.authorized to true (allow) or false (deny)

  • Client-to-server unfollow: to remove an actor from followers, an "Undo" must be sent with the object being the prior outgoing "Follow" and likewise to remove from following a "Reject" must be sent with object being the prior incoming "Follow." As these past activity ids are not readily available to clients, the client may send the undo or reject with an Actor id as the object, and the server will find the related Follow and substitute it before publishing.

Federation notes

  • http signaures
    • In production mode, incoming POST requests without valid http signaures will be rejected (401 if missing, 403 if invalid)
    • Outoing POST requests are signed ('(request-target)', 'host', 'date', 'digest') with the actor's keypair using the Signature header
    • When using the systemUser config option, outgoing GET requests are signed ('(request-target)', 'host', 'date') with the system user's keypair using the Signature header
  • Synchronizing collections
    • An apex server does not modify collections that belong to other servers and does not expect other servers to maintain the state of its collections.
    • Instead, an Update activity is published whenever the content of a collection changes.
    • If it is an actor collection (e.g. followers), the Update object will be the OrderedCollection itself. Other servers can verify ownership by checking that Actor object of the sender contains a reference to the collection.
    • If it is an activity collection (likes/shares), the Update object will be the activity itself with the collection objects embedded.