Blockchain and Identity

Projects/companies working on blockchain and identity (pull requests welcome):

Individuals/ Legal entities

  • Authenteq is a networked automatic identity verification platform eliminating marketplace risk associated with anonymity while users retain their privacy, leading to increased trust and transparency in transactions and communications, resulting in increased user experience and higher revenue.
  • Namecoin is a blockchain that has been conceived from the start to be used for registering domain names. It is the first fork of the Bitcoin software.
  • NameID is an OpenID service based on Namecoin identifiers.
  • CertCoin is an MIT paper about a NameCoin-based decentralized authentication system which maintains a public ledger of domains and their associated public keys.
  • ChainAnchor is MIT paper about an architecture that adds an identity and privacy-preserving layer above the blockchain, either the private blockchain or the public blockchain in Bitcoin.
  • Onename Onename makes it easy to register and manage a blockchain ID. Users can create a personal or company profile and share their blockchain ID on their website, social media profiles and business cards so that others can easily find them online. Developers can integrate support for blockchain IDs to offer users password-less login, secure messaging and granular control over data access and privacy. With a blockchain ID, users are in control of their online identity. Developed by Blockstack.
  • A workshop called “Rebooting the Web-of-Trust” has produced a paper about a Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI), which registers identifiers and associated public keys on blockchains.
  • The non-profit organization has designed a blockchain-based registry for human-readable names and machine-readable numbers.
  • Startup Consensys has developed a blockchain-based identity system called uPort to launch an “Internet-of-People”.
  • is a program to build blockchain identity solutions related to the Estonian e-Residency concept.
  • BitAlias allows users to register names in the Bitcoin blockchain and point them to their wallets.
  • EtherID allows registration of domain names for an Ethereum account.
  • ENS is the “Ethereal Namespace”, a contract system and set of conventions to form a hierarchical namespace.
  • Ethereum Name Service is a proposed protocol that provides flexible resolution of short, human-readable names to service and resource identifiers.
  • Evernym is developing the first "self-sovereign identity platform" on a permissioned distributed ledger called Sovrin, which is dedicated solely to identity, and it is fully open source (FOSS). Multiple white papers explain the the ideas and technologies behind it. A podcast is available that explains the concept of "universal identity".
  • At Ethereum’s DEVCON ONE conference, a talk on blockchain, digital identity, and public key infrastructure was given.
  • Bitnation seeks to establish the concept of “world citizenship” through identity registration on the blockchain. The project is collaborating with the Estonian e-Residency program and also has a focus on offering "blockchain emergency IDs" to refugees.
  • Linux foundation hyper ledger project looking to develop a cross-industry open standard with many big companies participating.
  • ID2020 seeks to provide every child born after 2020 with a self sovereign digital identity, which helps reduce risks of trafficking and drive digital inclusion.
  • Shocard is an early stage company developing an “identity platform” built on blockchain. A user’s identity is encrypted, hashed and then written to the blockchain, where it can be called up when needed. Users would, in effect, give banks temporary access to the private side of this blockchain record in order to verify identity. Once that is done, the bank creates its own record that can be consulted in the future to determine that a certain Joe Smith is really Joe Smith.
  • A research team at Athens University of Economics and Business is working on “information-centric” networking and is exploring the use of blockchain technology for “content names”.
  • The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is funding research on the "Applicability of Blockchain Technology to Privacy Respecting Identity Management"
  • An MIT paper about "Decentralizing Privacy: Using Blockchain to Protect Personal Data".
  • An Ethereum blog post about "Privacy on the Blockchain", including some thoughts about identity systems.
  • Jolocom is developing applications for everyone to own their personal digital identity, using linked data and blockchain technologies.
  • Danube Tech is collaborating with several other efforts to build blockchain-based identifier registration infrastructure.
  • Scuttlebot is a "blockchain identity" protocol avoiding a singleton-based approach. It embraces subjectivity over consensus, e.g. each identity can publish messages that map their favorite pet name mappings for themselves and others. Patchwork is a user-facing decentralized messaging and sharing app based on Scuttlebot.
  • Startup Cambridge Blockchain is working on an Identity Blockchain for validating secure digital identity documents, processing electronic signatures, and recording transactions.
  • Proof-of-Individuality addresses the challenge to prove that a person only has one account within a system, without sacrificing the advantages of anonymity/pseudonymity. See here for a draft implementation using "virtual pseudonym parties".
  • Regis is a platform that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage decentralized registries on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • SingleID An app that allows you to be in control of their online identity. It provides safe logins with no registration and no password.
  • IDKeys is a distributed global identity system that registers cryptographic public keys on the Stellar blockchain.
  • CheapID is a digital identity standard designed for use in conflicted environment like those many refugees or disaster victims may find themselves in.
  • DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers) are a new type of identifier intended for digital identity that is "self-sovereign", i.e, fully under the control of the identity owner. DIDs resolve to DDOs (DID descriptor objects) and can be registered in different blockchains (using different "methods").
  • A research project on registering WebIDs on the Ethereum blockchain, to be used for Linked Data and Solid.
  • An article by the GSMA about the relationship between blockchain and identity.
  • Bitnation: Bitnation is a governance 2.0 platform that is powered by blockchain technology. Its goal is to provide the same services that governments provide, but in a decentralized and voluntary manner, unbound by geography. Bitnation has worked out an identification solution such as blockchain passport and a marriage certificate.
  • 2WAY.IO: 2WAY.IO effectively transforms public nodes into private nodes by adding a permissions layer. Private nodes can connect information silos & secure communication channels. They’re user-in-control (privacy-by-design & security-by-design) and require no trade-off between security & UX. These systems are both trusted third-party- and blockchain-agnostic; they only require an intermediary or blockchain when both parties agree to add one to their interaction.
  • Trunomi: Solves KYC and unlocks new revenues and efficiencies with technology to easily create and securely manage the consent to use customers’ personal data. Trunomi securely connects financial institutions to their customers with a “customer-driven” data-sharing platform.
  • HYPR: HYPR-Secure’s tokenization provides blockchain applications a viable solution for securing private keys behind a biometric authentication gateway. Whether it’s a biometric bitcoin wallet or a smart-contract platform, HYPR augments security by decentralizing the storage of private keys.
  • BlockAuth: BlockAuth enables you to own and operate your own identity registrar that allows users to submit their information for verification.
  • Case: Provides biometrically secured multisignature bitcoin transactions. Case is a multisignature, multifactor wallet that requires two of three keys for a transaction to take place. Each key is generated and stored in a different location and is protected by a different authentication factor so that there’s no single point of failure.
  • Airbitz A bitboin wallet/ identity solution
  • Mooti is the new standard for cryptographic identification and validation. based on our identity chain technology, we are reimagining the security of personally identifiable information and authentication.

Objects/ Things

  • BlockVerify: Provides blockchain-based anti-counterfeit solutions. It uses blockchain technology to improve anti-counterfeit measures in different industries such as pharmaceuticals, luxury items, diamonds and electronics.
  • Cryptid: Cryptid eliminates the possibility of counterfeit identification by adding factors of identification and encryption. Cryptid takes the data provided in the form and package it into a compact format readable by our systems and generate your Cryptid identification data. All of the data is encrypted with the provided password after which it is permanently transferred to the blockchain. The customer is then given a unique identification number that points to the information on the block chain and can be stored on almost anything from magnetic stripes to QR codes.
  • Guardtime: Guardtime KSI Cybersecurity Platform enables organizations to assure the integrity of their networks, prevent data loss of critical digital assets and to verify enterprise behaviors. The platform records the state of all KSI-instrumented digital assets by registering them in a global KSI blockchain, generating a mathematically verifiable baseline image of the network.

