This Sinatra application is intended to be used as an opportunity for students to measure their own learning from week 1 of module 2 of the back end program of the Turing School of Software & Design.
Fork this repository and clone your newly created repository. At the end of one hour, push your code to your repository and create a pull request to this repository.
Before you begin work, run the following commands:
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
During that time, use TDD to implement the following user stories:
As a user, when I visit
I see a list of comedians with the following information for each comedian.- Name
- Age
As a user, when I visit
I also see a list of each comedian's specials. -
As a user, when I visit
I also see the average age for all comedians. -
As a user, when I visit
I see a list of all comedians with an age of 34. -
As a user, when I visit
I also see the count of specials for each comedian.