Check out a branch called user_story_1_merge
As a user,
When I visit the student index,
I see a list of all students, including their name and grade.
Check out a branch called user_story_2_merge
As a user,
When I visit the student show,
I see one student, including their name and grade.
Check out a branch called user_story_2_merge
As a user,
When I visit the root page,
And I click "Create New Student",
I am on the new student form.
Check out a branch called user_story_1_rebase
As a user,
When I visit the course index,
I see a list of all courses, including their name and grade.
Check out a branch called user_story_2_rebase
As a user,
When I visit the course show,
I see one course, including their name and grade.
Check out a branch called user_story_2_rebase
As a user,
When I visit the root page,
And I click "Create New Course",
I am on the new course form.