Taylors law for disturbance dynamics

this repository holds all code to reproduce analyses for the manuscript "Taylor’s law predicts unprecedented pulses of forest disturbance under global change" currently under review. The code is written in R and has been tested under version 4.2.2. The data aggregation is in file 'data_aggregation.R'. The main analysis are in the file 'analysis.R'. Sentivity analses are in file 'squareroot_assumption_test.R'. The rawdata (needed to run the script 'data_aggregation.R') can be downloaded from following link and should be located in a folder 'rawdata' in the root folder (3.4 GB): https://syncandshare.lrz.de/getlink/fi7Z6grEKkzuMiSwuBLLfo/taylorslaw_rawdata.zip. The already aggregated data (needed to run the script 'analysis.R') can be downloaded from following link and should be located in a folder 'data' in the root folder (390 MB): https://syncandshare.lrz.de/getlink/fi8rwzXVeZPj48KRCrnzcP/data_taylorslaw.zip