
PHP Wrapper for Avalara's Free Tax Rates API

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Avalara Tax Rates API Wrapper

A simple PHP wrapper for Avalara’s free sales tax rates API.


Using Composer:

composer require brookside/avalara-tax-rates-api:dev-master

or just require the TaxRates.php file:

require 'path/to/TaxRates.php';


Note: You will need to have signed up for an Avalara developer account and API key. More information can be found at taxratesapi.avalara.com.

use Brookside\TaxRates\TaxRates;

$tr = new TaxRates('YOUR_AVALARA_API_KEY');

Rates can be retrieved from just a postal code:

$rates = $tr->getRates(74114);

For more accurate rates, you can pass as much address information as you have. All available fields are used below:

$rates = $tr->getRates(array(
    'street'  => '4145 E. 21st St',
    'city'    => 'Tulsa',
    'state'   => 'OK',
    'country' => 'USA',
    'postal'  => 74114,


Results will vary depending on location, but you will always be returned with an array with two keys: totalRate and rates. The rates key will contain up to three rates – for city, state, and county.

Example result:

    [totalRate] => 8.517
    [rates] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [rate] => 3.1
                    [name] => TULSA
                    [type] => City

            [1] => Array
                    [rate] => 4.5
                    [name] => OKLAHOMA
                    [type] => State

            [2] => Array
                    [rate] => 0.917
                    [name] => TULSA
                    [type] => County

