- 3
**Workflow failed! Resource not accessible by integration** for the first time
#153 opened by rabinadk1 - 1
Support `branch` option
#167 opened by keiranmraine - 1
Support --cov-report=xml:DEST reports
#142 opened by mjpieters - 1
Use plugin behind proxy?
#133 opened by nbahar-intel - 1
- 1
Generate a badge with the coverage %age in it
#71 opened by remileduc - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
Errors during `Build coverage file`
#83 opened by akzaidi - 1
Pass in specific pytest command?
#107 opened by Freddie-Pike - 0
Filenames are interpreted as markdown
#100 opened by adborden - 0