
:robot: Automated Testing for SuperYou

Primary LanguageRobotFramework

Superyou: 🤖 Automated Testing


pip install robotframework
pip install robotframework-selenium2library

Driver Need to be Installed


  • For running in chrome, you need to install chromedriver:
brew cask install chromedriver
  • For running in firefox, you need to install geckodriver:
brew cask install geckodriver


DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~


You need to update some variable inside of config.robot. For basic configuration, you need to change this line:

${SUPERLINK}              # Change it with url link, e.g. google.com
${SUPERSAFE}              # Activate it if you want to run Super Safe Product
${PH_EMAIL_SUPERSAFE}     # Fulfill email for test

For more description, please find detail at Detail Configuration Section

Run Your Automation

robot run.robot

Open The Report

sh report.sh

Detail Configuration Section

Here the list and detail of your config.robot :

├── ${BROWSER}
│   ## which browser do you want to run the testcase ?
│      └── chrome
│      └── firefox
│   ## do you want close the browser after testcase success ?
│      └── 0 ── # leave browser open after testcase success
│      └── 1 ── # close browser after testcase success
│   ## please provide domain link that will be running for automated testcase
│   ## do you want to running SUPERSAFE product ?
│      └── 0 ── # don't include SUPERSAFE in testcase
│      └── 1 ── # do include SUPERSAFE testcase
│   ## do you want to running SUPERSTRONG product ?
│      └── 0 ── # don't include SUPERSTRONG in testcase
│      └── 1 ── # do include SUPERSTRONG testcase
│   ## do you want to running SUPERLIFE product ?
│      └── 0 ── # don't include SUPERLIFE in testcase
│      └── 1 ── # do include SUPERLIFE testcase
├── ${IS_EXIST}
│   ## do you want to run testcase as existing user ?
│   │  └── 0 ── # no, run as New User
│   │  └── 1 ── # yes, I want to use Existing User
│   │
│   └── ${EXISTING_USER}
│   │   ## if IS_EXIST = 1, you need to define username of existing user
│   │
│   └── ${EXISTING_PASS}
│       ## if IS_EXIST = 1, you need to define password of existing user
│   ## please provide policy holder Email for Buy a SuperSafe product
│   ## please provide policy holder Email for Buy a SuperStrong product
│   ## please provide policy holder Email for Buy a SuperLife product
├── ${PH_NAME}
│   ## please provide policy holder name
├── ${PH_PASS}
│   ## please provide policy holder Password
├── ${PH_MOBILE}
│   ## please provide policy holder Mobile number
│   ## please provide policy holder Identity
├── ${PH_GENDER}
│   ## please provide policy holder Gender
│      └── 1 ── # male 
│      └── 2 ── # female
│   ## please provide policy holder Identity number
│   ## please provide policy holder Address
├── ${PH_BIRTH_AT}
│   ## please provide policy holder Place of Birth
│   ## what is insured relation from you ?
│      └── 1 ── # self
│      └── 2 ── # wife/husband
│      └── 3 ── # son
│      └── 4 ── # daughter
│      └── 5 ── # father
│      └── 6 ── # mother
│      └── 7 ── # brother
│      └── 8 ── # sister
│   ## please provide insured name
│   ## please provide insured identity number
│   ## what is beneficiary relation from insured ?
│      └── 1 ── # self
│      └── 2 ── # wife/husband
│      └── 3 ── # father
│      └── 4 ── # mother
│      └── 5 ── # son
│      └── 6 ── # daughter
│      └── 7 ── # brother
│      └── 8 ── # sister
│   ## please provide beneficiary name
    ## please provide beneficiary identity number