Initialise your development environment

  • Idea is to have a pair of two graphhoppers (ying/yang) running the same configuration balanced using a loadbalancer.
  • Every once and then, a colocated daemon will detach one of the daemons and refresh the routing from the OSM last extract and then refresh the first (ying) instance upon termination.


First clone

git clone --recursive

Install docker and docker compose

if you are under debian/ubuntu/mint/centos you can do the following:

local/*/bin/cops_apply_role --become \

... or follow official procedures for docker and docker-compose.

Update corpusops

You may have to update corpusops time to time with 

./ up_corpusops

Doc for deployment on environments

update cron pseudo code

  • GRAPHHOPPER_CACHE_BACKEND_EXPIRY=604800 # world (weekly)
  • GRAPHHOPPER_CACHE_BACKEND_EXPIRY=86400 # europe (daily)
  • GRAPHHOPPER_CACHE_BACKEND_EXPIRY=43200 # france (halfdaily)
  • On garde un fichier json minimaliste pour garder un etat des executions ancers from loadbalancers themselves
.ansible/scripts/ -vvvvv .ansible/playbooks/lb.yml -e "{lb_servers: prod_loc-lb, graphhopper_servers: prod_loc-graphhopper}"

Switcher docs

. docs

wellknown playbooks

setup frontal playbook

cd /srv/graphhopper
.ansible/scripts/ -vvvvv .ansible/playbooks/lb.yml \
 -e "{lb_servers: prod_loc-lb, graphhopper_servers: prod_loc-graphhopper}"

setup a specific region graphhopper instance

cd /srv/graphhopper
.ansible/scripts/ -vvvvv .ansible/playbooks/graphhopper.yml \
 -e "{graphhopper_servers: prod_loc-fr}"