
The zipper iterator provides the abilitiy to parallel-iterate over several controlled sequences simultanously.

Primary LanguageC++

Zipper Iterator

Author: Alfredo A. Correa

Contact: correaa@llnl.gov

Organization: Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory

Date: Feb 9 2017

Copyright: Alfredo A. Correa 2017

Abstract: The zipper iterator provides the abilitiy to parallel-iterate over several controlled sequences simultanously. A zipper iterator is constructed from other iterators. The category of semantics the zipper iterator dependes on the underlying iterator from which zipper iterator is contructed from. In the most general case, it and input iterator that is readable, writable and swappable. Moving the zipper iterator moves all the underlying iterators in parallel. Dereferencing the zipper iterator return a tuple of references from the underlying iterators.

(Not an official Boost component at the moment)

zipper synopsis

template<class... Iterators>
class zipper{
  using difference_type = /*common difference type*/
  using value_type = /*associated tuple of values*/
  using pointer = zipper;
  using reference = /*associated tuple of references*/
  using iterator_category = /*common iterator category*/
  zipper(Iterators... its);
  reference operator*() const;
  zipper& operator-=; // and logically associated operators
  zipper& operator+=; // and logically associated operators
  zipper& operator++(); // and logically assoc. ops.
  friend bool operator<(zipper const&, zipper const&);
  friend void iter_swap(zipper const&, zipper const&);

template <class... Iterators> 
zipper<Iterators...> make_zipper(Iterators... vi);}

template <class... Iterators>
zipper<Iterators...> zip(Iterator&&... vi)

There reference member of zipper is the type of the tuple made of the reference types.

The difference type member of zipper is the common type of the underlying difference types.

zipper requirements

All iterators need to be at least input iterators.

zipper models

The resulting zipper iterator models an Readable Writable Swappable Iterator.

zipper iterator interoperates with sort algorithm if all the underlying iterators are random access.

zipper operations


Returns: (constructor) an instance of zipper with undelaying default constructed iterators.

zip_iterator(Iterators... its);

Returns: (constructor) an instance of zipper with undelaying iterators its.

reference operator*() const;

Returns: A tuple of references

zipper& operator==();

zipper& operator++();

zipper& operator--();

zipper& operator+=();

zipper& operator-=();

and all associated algebraic operations. Each can be used if all the underlying iterators support the specific operation.

template<Iterator...> make_zipper(Iterators...);

Returns: A zipper of iterators (copies are made).

template<Iterator...> zip(Iterators&&...)

Returns: A zipper of iterators or references to iterators if the context allows.


Sort is a general enough algorithm to show the power of the zipper iterator.

	std::vector<double> vv;
	std::vector<double> ww;
		zip(begin(vv), begin(ww)),
		zip(end(vv)  , end(ww)  ),
		[](auto&& a, auto&& b){return get<1>(a) < get<1>(b);}

(with minimal compiler optimizations it operates as if manually).

Note on ranges

Ranges of zipper iterators are valid only if all the underlying iterators are compatible ranges. Validity of ranges is not checked.

Note on the standard iteroperability

For zipper to work transparently (and efficiently) with STL all algorithms I had to specialize std::iter_swap, which is currently in violation of the specification.

Note on construction semantics

The class doesn't use the std::ref convention, references are handled by make_zipper and zip functions. The first makes copies of all the underlying interators and the second captures references to the iterators when possible.

For example, z1 and z2 are the same type (zipper<vector<double>::iterator, vector<double>::iterator>)

auto z1 = zip(v.begin(), w.begin());
auto z2 = make_zipper(v.begin(), w.begin());

but not z3 (zipper<vector<double>::iterator&, vector<double>::iterator&>)

auto b1 = v.begin();
auto b2 = v.begin();
auto z3 = zip(b1, b2);

(in this case b1 and b2 can get modified trough modifications of z3, and dangling references could occur if b1/b2 went out of scope).

Related work

http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/libs/iterator/doc/zip_iterator.html (limited Readable semantics, does not interoperate with sort and other mutating algorithms.)