
A lightweight asynchronous SDK for the stellar horizon api. Written in rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight client SDK for the stellar horizon api. Written in rust.


The SDK provides a client and modeled resources to the stellar horizon api. The resources are strictly typed and parse directly from the api. It also provides a robust CLI for managing and introspecting the network.

This repository is broken into multiple crates. Each crate is designed to be used as a different component. The crates are organized as a virtual workspace so that they can be built together and tested at once.


The resources crate documents all the various data types in horizon. These resources are fully documented and can be deserialized from the client.


The client provides two interfaces. One is the synchronous client and the other is the asynchronous client. Both consume an EndPoint trait and will return the appropriate response associated with the endpoint implementation. You should see the documentation associated with the code itself but below is a brief example

use stellar_client::sync::Client;
use stellar_client::endpoint::asset;

let client      = Client::horizon_test().unwrap();
let endpoint    = asset::All::default();
let records     = client.request(endpoint).unwrap();


The CLI is a command line utility for querying against the stellar network. To install it clone the repo and run:

cargo install -f --path=cli

You can then use it with:

stellar --help


Setup is managed through cargo. We develop on stable but you should be up-to-date before running tests.

cargo test


To build the documentation locally, just use the doc command:

cargo doc

To build and automatically open the client documentation:

cargo doc -p stellar-client --open

To build and automatically open the resource documentation:

cargo doc -p stellar-resources --open


We welcome contributors! Please see our contributing guide for information on how to contribute to our repo!


  • Implement all resources
  • Synchronous client
  • Asynchronous client
  • Implement all endpoints to horizon
  • Implement complete CLI to request data from horizon
  • Implement informational CLI
  • Implement XDR resources for stellar
  • Implement ability to create transactions and submit to network