
a GraphQL, React.js, Apollo, Neo4j stack app with node.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Network

A GraphQL, React.js, Apollo, Neo4j stack app with node.



  • / the home page containing the feed and post creating funtionality
  • /login login using JWT
  • /register sign up using JWT
  • /profile (Auth Only) view your profile
  • /u/:userId view other people's profiles.


  • AuthForm recieve auth data from the user
  • AuthOnly children are not visible to unauthenticated users
  • Brand the logo I made for the website, featuring in navbar
  • Comment a post comment
  • CommentList maps an array of comments to a list of the Comment component
  • CreateComment create and post a comment
  • CreatePost create and post a post
  • Hovering an absolute-positioned component, pointing to the element refrencing it.
  • ImageForm a link form
  • Like the like toggle of a post
  • Navbar the app navvar
  • Post a post
  • PostGallery a post gallery of images
  • PostGelleryForm a form collecting mutliple images
  • PostList maps a array of posts to a list of the Post component
  • ProfilePic uses the user's profile pic, mutable on request.
  • ProfilePicDelete a button to delete your profile pic
  • ProfilePicEdit a button to edit your profile pic, popping up a hoverable image form
  • ResizableTextArea the textarea used to post comments and posts
  • SearchBar a string input to search for users, featuring in the navbar
  • UserCard shown in the user profile
  • UserList maps an array of user search results to a list of the UserListItem component
  • UserListItem displays a user search result


  • useChangeAvatar(initialAvatar: string)
    • responsible for avatar mutations
    • returns { delete(): void, change(url: string): void, avatarUrl: string };
  • useComment(postId: any)
    • responsible for comment posting logic
    • returns { comment(content): void }
  • useDeleteComment(postAuthorId: any)
    • responsible for deleting comments presmission and execution
    • returns { allowDelete(commentAuthorId: any): boolean, remove(commentId: any): void }
  • useDeletePost(refetchPosts(): void, postId: any, authorId: any)
    • responsible for deleting posts permission and execution
    • returns { remove(): void, allowDelete: boolean }
  • useFeed()
    • responsible for getting the feed based on people the user follows
    • returns { feed: Post[], refetch(): void }
  • useFollow(initialIsFollowing: boolean, initialFollowing: number, userId: any)
    • responsible for toggling between following and unfollowing a specified user
    • returns { followerCount: number, isFollowing: boolean, toggle(): void }
  • useLike(initialIsLiked: boolean, initialLikes: number, postId: any)
    • responsible for toggling between liking and unliking a specified post
    • returns { likes: number, isLiked: boolean, toggle(): void }
  • useLogin()
    • responsible for all frontend login logic and saving the token
    • returns { error: any, login(credentials: { email, password }): void }
  • usePost(refetchPosts(): void)
    • responsible for posting functionality
    • returns { post(gallery: string[], content: string): void }
  • useProfile()
    • responsible for using the token to fetch user data and put it inside a context provider
    • returns { ...user: User, loading: boolean, refetch(): void }
  • useRegister()
    • responsible for all frontend register login and saving the token
    • returns { error: any, register(credentials: { email, password, name }): void }
  • useSearch()
    • responsible for search queries
    • returns { search(q: string): void, clear(): void }
  • useSignout()
    • responsible for removing the token and refetching the profile on command
    • returns { signout(): void }
  • useUser(userId)
    • responsible for querying a specific user when visiting their profile
    • returns { ...user: User, isFound: boolean, loading: boolean }


The beackend is built with neo4j-graphql-js so the resolvers are written automatically, except Login and Signup resolvers.


  • User
type User {
  _id: ID
  name: String
  avatarUrl: String
  email: String
  password: String
  liked: [Post]
  created: [Post]
  following: [User]
  followers: [User]
  followingCount: Int
  followerCount: Int
  isFollowing: Boolean
  • Post
type Post {
  _id: ID
  date: _Neo4jDateTime
  content: String
  gallery: [String]
  likes: Int
  Author: User
  isLiked: Boolean
  Comments: [Comment]
  commentCount: Int
  • Comment
type Comment {
  content: String
  date: _Neo4jDate
  Author: User


  • feed(first: Int): [Post]
  • Profile: User
  • Search(q: String, limit: Int, offset: Int): [User]
  • Login(email: String, password: String): String


  • NewPost(content: String, gallery: [String]): Post
  • RemovePost(postId: Int): User
  • Follow(userId: Int): User
  • Unfollow(userId: Int): User
  • Like(postId: Int): Post
  • Unlike(postId: Int): Post
  • SetAvatarUrl(url: String): User
  • Comment(content: String, postId: Int): Comment
  • RemoveComment(commentId: Int): Post
  • Signup(email: String, password: String, avatarUrl: String, name: String): String