Amazon Corretto 17 is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 17
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Occasional JVM crash with SIGSEV
#203 opened by maroraFundrise - 1
- 6
Fatal Error with G1
#184 opened by sigJoe - 0
- 1
- 0
Request for implementing (tz) Update Timezone Data tzdata2024b into Corretto 17
#199 opened by HelenZhang2023 - 3
JVM crash G1 garbage collector
#195 opened by kaaphi - 1
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- 8
Update Corretto documentation to include the root CAs that are trusted by the Amazon Corretto JDK
#181 opened by mvhowardAWS - 1
Random failure when using `parallel()` method on java.util.Arrays streams.
#186 opened by kumaran-sowrirajan - 19
JVM dying with unnecessary_acquire error
#93 opened by luneo7 - 1
Visual artifacts with Java Swing
#185 opened by NadChel - 7
'Access denied' in executable packaged with jPackage when tries to start a SubProcess using Kernel32.CreateProcess()
#171 opened by wolf-itc - 5
Why 'Stream.toList()' call 'new ArrayList()' twice?
#179 opened by PgmJun - 2
#178 opened by dharmeshgordhan - 8
- 10
- 3
Unexpected Fatal Error when upgraded to Hikaricp connection pool from c3p0 for quartz.
#170 opened by PriyaJainTR - 3
fontconfig package missing
#159 opened by eht-ld - 7
occasional SIGSEGV
#156 opened by zp-stripe - 4
#157 opened by aak2075 - 2
JVM crashes "co.elastic.apm.exception"
#149 opened by drenda - 4
JVM crashes, when i trying get access for JNI libraries
#155 opened by lolMatrix - 0
- 1
Does Corretto 17 support Java web start?
#147 opened by Chaz007 - 9
Feedback Collection for Corretto-Lilliput
#109 opened by yishaigalatzer - 7
Dynamic linking zlib for Linux
#118 opened by rgithubli - 4
NullPointerException in java.util.Spliterator.getExactSizeIfKnown(): "this" is null
#130 opened by mrjv - 2
C [] netty_internal_tcnative_SSLContext_JNI_OnLoad+0x7b3
#139 opened by luyou7 - 2
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How are official Corretto Linux binaries built?
#129 opened by airbnb-gps - 13
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LTO Binaries
#128 opened by airbnb-gps - 3
RPM package for Generic Linux should provide "jre-17" capability to match OpenJDK packages
#102 opened by andrewjroth - 2
Release timeline
#134 opened by hfhbd - 1
jvm crashed
#138 opened by 112292454 - 3
Swing application UI freezes at sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessibility.getChildrenAndRoles
#132 opened by privetyaolega - 27
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Make Package 'java-17-amazon-corretto-headless' available in
#114 opened by jornfranke - 1
Corretto for BSD
#111 opened by sagsaw - 17
JVM Crash during C2 Compilation
#110 opened by umutkocasarac - 3
- 4
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)
#105 opened by Tharrington86 - 9
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Support for release Alpine aarch64 packages
#96 opened by janario - 1
Shenandoah GC crash on minecraft java edition
#92 opened by JonathanHenson