Amazon Corretto 8 is a no-cost, multi-platform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK 8
Pinned issues
Corretto team statement on CVE-2021-44228 (Log4j remote code execution)
#343 opened by davecurrie
- 3
Intermittent Crash issue with Java Application using Servlet JSP technology
#513 opened by poonamsehjwani - 11
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun.font.SunFontManager exception when moving from oracle jdk 8 to corretto jdk 1.8.0_362.
#466 opened by sagar21304 - 3
core dump on System.exit(0);
#511 opened by coolblades - 6
- 1
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- 1
Regression: MSVC DLLs not found when using Javapackager with Corretto 8 versions after 8.372.07.1
#507 opened by alxmtzr - 6
JVM crushed
#504 opened by kanyakotur - 0
Port JDK-8259943 to Java 8
#496 opened by darylrobbins - 3
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_382-b05) (build 1.8.0_382-b05) not adaper version when called HCCore.dll
#495 opened by xiamaocheng - 1
Can you help me?
#491 opened by GodenFish - 1
jfxwebkit.dll cannot load
#489 opened by jianlinshi - 2
- 7
- 1
crash during pyspak runing
#479 opened by kutib - 1
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Request to merge the fix for JDK-8247907
#389 opened by MushyMiddle - 1
Correto 8 usage error
#463 opened by Discorddd2 - 2
Problem with servlet application running on batch service. (org.springframework.batch.core)
#462 opened by Argenis-Neoris - 2
- 1
tzdata version update missing from changelog
#454 opened by g1patil - 5
- 1
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unable to connect to JVM via JMX
#450 opened by wirowka - 9
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VM options documentation
#441 opened by aiasmartakis - 2
macOS v12.1 x86 - java quit unexpectedly
#435 opened by gerhard - 1
Build Pipeline failed due to missing library
#434 opened by Denisjc - 1
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000000b34ed4, pid=100, tid=0x0000000000000230
#433 opened by reach2deb07 - 2
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SIGSEGV 1.8.0_352-b08
#430 opened by montanafoertsch-toast - 4
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Expand MSI installation options
#415 opened by zebulonsmith - 0
Information about OpenJDK 8u345 Release
#414 opened by mrserb - 7
- 2
Alpine package missing "provides" variable
#391 opened by andreldm - 1
Corretto 8.342.07.1 Mac .pkg installers
#408 opened by davecurrie - 5
- 8
cann't execute sun.misc.Unsafe --> putLong Method
#388 opened by ZZD3627 - 3
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000006b1323f5, pid=13276, tid=0x0000000000003a54
#386 opened by zhuican51hmsqrsw