Hackathon on disinformation, Brussels 29-30 January.
This github repo is contains research and output of the EU vs Disinformation hackathon. Alongside the "Disinfo Horizon: Responding to Future Threats" conference, the East StratCom Task Force (ESTF) hosted a hackathon to explore ways to leverage the EUvsDisinfo Disinfo Database.
The database contains over 7000 disinformation cases and debunks. The data was collected over the last 5 years, analysed, manually labelled and categorised. It is now available via API at http://api.veedoo.io.
A network analysis of the meta data to gain a broad idea of what the data is. This might include network analysis of organisations and the keywords they share.
Based on word embedding and other quantitative text analysis methods, the user can explore word similarity and frequency in the data. This might include a search tool for a word which would output the other similar words and plot this.
An explorer to better understand the data and get the big picture. Includes searching organisations to better understand what their share, when to whom etc.
For now, an early version with initial analysis of a Shiny Dashboard is available here: https://alixdumoulin.shinyapps.io/disinformation_hackathon/
The corresponding code is in the hackathon folder in the repo. Instructions on how to download and use the code will be available soon.